7 Words to use with armchair

There were a few letters for him and he opened and read those, then lit his bed-candle and went upstairs, but instead of undressing, sat for a full quarter of an hour in his armchair thinking.

It is the armchair geniality of the eighteenth century essayists, a constituent of the author rather than of his material and product.

[judgment after the fact]; armchair general, monday morning quarterback.

Their religion is good enough for them," was the classic comment of the armchair critic of a generation ago.

But them otherssay, I've seen men sittin' comfortable in an armchair seat at a roof-garden vaudeville that couldn't raise as hearty a laugh at the prize antics of the thousand dollar star comedian, as them fellers riz on that cap episode.

According to the textbooks and the military experts and the armchair tacticians he was perfectly right; I believe that all of the writers on military subjects agree in saying that cavalry charges are obsolete as a form of attack.

He had been spared the slow decay of faculties in armchair reminiscence.

7 Words to use with  armchair