4 Words to use with assist

L. E. D.By writers on the Materia Medica, mustard is considered to promote appetite, assist digestion, attenuate viscid juices, and, by stimulating the fibres, to prove a general remedy in paralytic and rheumatic affections.

Now confidence assist me!A gentleman in the neighbourhood will answer for me JUSTICE His name MISS FLYN Pendulous JUSTICE That lives in the next street?

Some at the sounding anvil glow; Some the swift-sliding shuttle throw; Some, studious of the wind and tide, From pole to pole our commerce guide: 40 Some (taught by industry) impart With hands and feet the works of art; While some, of genius more refined, With head and tongue assist mankind: Each, aiming at one common end, Proves to the whole a needful friend.

It lacks also the peculiarly naturalistic effect gained in the cantoria by setting the dancing boys behind the pillars, which undoubtedly, as comparison with the Luca shows, assists realism.

4 Words to use with  assist