6 Words to use with aster

Aster argophyllus and obovatus, Labill.

He has joined me; he, too, is looking out at the serene aster-flowers, at the glittering glory of the dew.

We were just completing our portage and I was absorbed in the plants, admiring the leaves of the aster macrophyllus, ten inches wide, and plucking the seeds of the great round-leaved orchis, when Joe exclaimed from the stream that he had killed a moose.

Aster phlogopappus, of the same eminent author, was recently remarked upon the more elevated parts of the Blue Mountain Range, on the margin of a remarkable cataract.

Half a mile above this, at a place where I saw the aster puniceus and the beaked hazel, as we paddled along, Joe, hearing a slight rustling amid the alders, and seeing something black about two rods off, jumped up and whispered, "Bear!"

Worked at planting aster seeds and putting in verbena cuttingsall in my room, of course.

6 Words to use with  aster