15 Words to use with aves

Well, they says; leastways, I ses, ses I, "'Lawyer Orkins, you lost a dawg, 'ave yer?' "'Yes,' ses you, 'I have,' like a gennelmanexcuse my imitation, sir' and I don't keer a damn for the whelp!'

Well, presently dey go back; dey say, 'The ants 'ave gone.' ...

Thiz minute you 'ave hide yo' dizguise in that panel!"

Do you igno' dad you 'ave insult me, off-scow'ing?" Frowenfeld's first response was a stern gaze.

You 'ave notions sometimes, sir.

"You would come in," said Hilary, with a playful wave of the trowel, and turned to his work, singing: "When I hands in my checks" Flora ran and clung tenderly to his arm, but with a distressed smile he clasped her wrists in one hand and gently forced her back again while she asked in burning undertone, "And you 'ave run that h-awful risk for me?

Now, you know?'e goin' fall in love wid you an' you goin' 'ave dad sadizfagzion to rif-use de biggis' hand in Noo-'leans.

" "'E'd sooner 'ave seed yo in yore coffin, Assy.

There'd bae an and of these scares, an' wae sudn't 'ave t' roon these awful risks.

" "Yo'll 'ave tae here.

They always shipped together and shared lodgings together when they was ashore, and Ted Denver would no more 'ave thought of going out without Charlie Brice than Charlie Brice would 'ave thought of going out without 'im.

Of its more intimate and personal side I hesitate to speak; those who loved "MARTIN ROSS," either through her writings or in the closer relationship of friend, must be glad that her ave atque vale has been spoken, as she would have wished it, by her whose right it was.

"Why, Sam, wot are you thinking of?" ses Peter, who didn't want anybody to 'ave wot he couldn't.

"Goingto 'ave yourpocket picked?" ses Ginger, staring at 'im, when 'e had finished.

He's lucky when 'is good looks 'ave gornor partly gornto get a berth as night-watchman or some other hard and bad-paid job.

15 Words to use with  aves