4 Words to use with banes

" "There are other trains to meet?" "Ja; two bane comin' dis vay; ant Nummer Samteen ve pass opp by.

"Weel," she replied, "it's come to a fine pass gin a wife canna kame her ain head;" "Ay, but, Janet," rejoined the minister, "a three-legged stool is a thief-like bane-kame to scart yer ain head wi'!

"Well, never mind, I've got another for you," replied Jim Cassell, in what was for him an unwontedly amiable tone; "can you go to work at once?" "Ay bane work any time skol be," spoke the Norwegian, and a puzzled expression flitted over his face as both Cassells broke into what was to him an inexplicable fit of laughter at his words.

There is the snake-skin willow and snake's-girdles;snake's-tongue being a name given to the bane-wort (Ranunculus flammula).

4 Words to use with  banes