7 Words to use with banging

"Vhen I sees you mit dose tumblers, I gives some big bang-bang, boom-boom, hey?"

Butdoes it usually make a man bang doors?" "It often turns a sensible man into a fool."

I Wish I did not dream of France And spend my nights in mortal dread On miry flats where whizz-bangs dance And star-shells hover o'er my head, And sometimes wake my anxious spouse By making shrill excited rows Because it seems a hundred "hows" Are barraging the bed.

Then it went "bangity-bung-bung," and before Buddy knew what was happening, if something didn't go slam-bang-crack into the lamp, and put it out, leaving the poor little guinea pig boy in the dark.

No. 3 is for calling and all entertainments where the bonnet stays on; it has a baby bang edge a trifle curled and a substantial cushion atop to hold the hat pins; while No. 4, the one she wore on our arrival, is an elaborate evening toupie with a pompadour rolling over on itself and drooping slightly over one eye while it melts into a butterfly bow and handful of puffs on the crown that in turn end in a single curl behind.

The sullen bomb dissolves in singing shapes; The whizz-bang jostles ittoo fast to flee; Machine-guns chatter like demented apes And, goodness, can it all be meant for me? It can and is.

" Rap-tap-tap-tap! came a banging summons on the door, followed by Midshipman Joyce's voice demanding: "Are you in, Danny boy?" Swift as a flash Hepson and Farley leaped forward, fairly snatching Jetson, who was still half dazed, to his feet.

7 Words to use with  banging