19 Words to use with banjo

© 2Dec24, A815405. R88618, 11Jan52, The American Law Book Co. (PWH) KITCHENER, WILLIAM J. Pleasing tenor banjo duets.

R98631, 12Aug52, Joseph Wharton Lippincott (A) LITTIG, FRANK National self teacher for ukulele, banjo uke, or tiple.

The at-a-glance ukulele and ukulele banjo method.

© 4Feb25, A822036. R103428, 4Dec52, Edith M. Gebhardt (W) GEIBEL, ADAM The banjo serenade.

The author said to himself, "A California mining-camp would be a nice place for a banjo solo."

Then something seemed to break like an over-stretched banjo string, and he sank into the deep, deep, mist-girt abyss of unconsciousness.

Young, ardent, ambitious, as brave as steel, ready with jest or laughter, with his banjo-player following him, going into the hottest battles humming a song, this young Virginian was, in truth, an original character, and impressed powerfully all who approached him.

J. Smith Music Co., inc. (PWH); 29Oct54; R137906. Chords for banjo C notation.

R106754, 4Feb53, M. M. Cole (A) 5-minute guaranteed tenor banjo course, by Wolff [pseud.]

Tenor banjo dance melodies; duets.

SEE Smith, William J. Chords for banjo C notation.

~The Banjo Fiend.~ There is a fellow across the way Who plays the banjo night and day, And all you ever hear him play, Is plunk, plunk, plunkety, plunk, plunk.

The hours passed and the old banjo clock above the mantel wheezed eleven, twelve; then one, two.

The music for this consisted of a piano, banjo guitar and numerous tambourines.

"Fascinating brown girls," he said, "who played that banjo-mandolin thing they all play, and sang mournful luxurious songs, and danced under the lanterns at night.

I seemed to see an army of merry negroes cultivating the sugar-cane to the inspiring music of a banjo band.

Tom Rollins, that was my baby uncle, he was a banjo picker.

His character has been established as a happy-go-lucky, laughing, shuffling, banjo-picking being, and the reading public has not yet been prevailed upon to take him seriously.

Well, he stood that, and after dinner (which, "as usual," was late), what must Miss Jennie do but go to the piano and play banjo tunes, for all the world as if it were a week-day!

19 Words to use with  banjo