22 Words to use with bedside

The bedside book of famous American stories.

Bedside diagnosis, by American authors.

CARACHER, RAY M. The bedside treasury of love.

" Madame slipped the seductive paper and something else under her pillow, saw that the electric and the light switch were close to her hand upon the bedside table, and snuggled down contentedly.

It's just as well you gave up studying medicine and took to business, Feist, for you haven't got what they call a pleasant bedside manner.'

The Twin bedside anthology.

SEE The bedside tales.

So I turn on a light and call for one of my bedside friends.

Bedside manna; the third fun in bed book.

I should like to say more about my bedside friendsstrapping George Borrow sitting with Petulengro's sister under the hedge or fighting the Flaming Tinman; the dear little Boston doctor who talks so chirpily over the Breakfast Table; the Compleat Angler that takes you out into an eternal May morning, and Sainte-Beuve whom I have found a first-rate bedside talker.

I won't have any useless emotion, or any bedside thoughts!"

And Josie Fifer caught up a couch cover for a cloak, with the scarf that was about her neck for a veil, and, using Hahn himself as the ailing chee-ild, gave a biting burlesque of the famous bedside visit that brought the tears of laughter to his eyes, and the nurse flying from down the hall.

for God's own miracle to the bedside-watchersthe change for the better, when death is there and the apothecary's skill too far, far away.

The medical school would give to the youth of the land the best possible facilities for theoretical training in medicine and surgery, while access to the wards of the hospital would make possible for them a large amount of practical bedside work.

The man opened his sunken eyes as the sleepy steward rose, gave his bedside chair to Ailsa, and replaced the ominous screen.

There she lay utterly weak and worn, all but voiceless, able only to smile at her husband, who never moved from the bedside day or night.

" These eminently characteristic words were the last he spoke, and as David knelt and prayed at his bedside death came.

Unwinding the wire and bending the free end into the form of a rude hook, the man attached this last to the cord of his bedside lamp at a point, located by sense of touch, where a minute section of electric light wire had been left naked by defective insulation.

General Lee pressed the dying man's hand, released it, stood for several minutes by the bedside motionless and in perfect silence, and then went out of the room.

And so," said John, "I would not dare To take him from her bedside prayer.

On looking into the years gone by, he said that he saw himself more often than not by his bedside rapt in innocent little prayers.

He heard the clock strike two, and shortly after, in a fit of exasperation, thinking to discipline his mind with reading, lighted the candle on the bedside stand, found his book, and fumbled vainly in the little silver casket beside the candlestick for a cigarette.

22 Words to use with  bedside