22 Words to use with beet

Garnish with slices of hard-boiled eggs and pickled beet-root.

The suggestion has been made that the State should build two beet-sugar factories, which would cost about £200,000 each; in this way it is suggested that our home supply of sugar would in the future be assured, and that agriculture would benefit considerably.

The sugar is supplied from the new beet-fields of Konia.

The wagon bumped through the beet patch to where, at the edge of a thicket, a trench had been dug.

Set celery root baskets in French dressing for several hours to flavor and the beet-balls in boiling sugar and vinegar.

But she has been able to make no appreciable headway against her more acute partner, and her application for a monopoly of sugar-production was not favourably received, for Germany already had taken the beet industry well in hand.

As for the other stories, it is enough to say that Uncle John was himself abundantly blessed with wives and children needing to be fed, that the labourer is worthy of his hire, and that it was sometimes vexatious to follow rapid fluctuations in the market value of butter, eggs, beef, potatoes, beet-molasses, and the like.

Serve hot with beet salad.

In the latter case a little home-made beef stock may be added to the beet soup.

We began with a hot soup made of fermented beet-juice.

Hoger-beets lye still, too?

Besides, he kept tolerably clean by dint of Israel's care, and thrust his long nose between the rails of his pen for grass, or fruit, or carrot- and beet-tops, with a knowing look out of his deep-set eyes that was never to be resisted by the soft-hearted spinster.

But where was Ian during the beet carving?

There it spread, with grain fields; with acres and acres of sugar beets, where the beet-pickers were at work; with low whitewashed farm- and outhouses; with numberless little white churches; with ugly, gray sugar refineries and small villages near the railway stations.

Let cook well and add sugar; cook, add white ginger to taste, stirring continually, add one-quarter pound of almonds, cut in slices; one-quarter of an hour before being done, mix, and when the beets brown put in jars.

So the first thing this morning he set about making a snow man, that he might put the beet vitals in their proper places, nearly convulsing father by their location.

One pioneer told us, that, when a fence is to be made and post-holes are wanted, it is only necessary to drop beet-seed ten feet apart all around the field, and, when the beet is ripe, you pull it up and your post-hole is ready!

A couple of traveling men, waiting for the early morning train, were playing a listless game of billiards at one of the tables; a pair of Jap sugar-beet workers and a negro section hand sat half-asleep and leaned against the wall; "Red" Jackson, Sabota's chief lieutenant, with an air of utter boredom, lounged behind the soft-drink bar.

Child-labor in agriculture has never become a social "problem" so long as the children work with their own parents at their own homes; but the labor of children for wages, especially in gangs on large farms (as in beet cultivation and cranberry picking) or in canning factories, has exhibited evils as pronounced as any in urban manufacturing conditions.

The German reply to the enemy's guns issued from the timbered verges of slopes at our right hand and our left; and these German shells, so far as we might judge, passed entirely over and beyond the smashed hamlets and the ruined sugar-beet factory and, curving downward, exploded out of our sight.

This is a rolling country of grain fields, orchards, masses of black-currant bushes, vegetable plots,it is a great sugar-beet country,and asparagus beds; for the Department of the Seine et

I faced Halicarnassus on the subject of the beet-bed, and though I cannot say that either of us gained a brilliant victory, yet I can say that I kept possession of the ground; still, I did not care to risk a second encounter.

22 Words to use with  beet