27 Words to use with bene

As it hath bene sundrie times Acted by the Children of Powles. LONDON:

[290] Non bene olet, qui semper bene olet.

Aer sit lucidus, bene olens, humidus.

The Stalin-Benes links.

As the diverb is, "Qui bene fecerunt, illi sua facta sequentur; Qui male fecerunt, facta sequentur eos:" "They that do well, shall have reward at last: But they that ill, shall suffer for that's past.

He hes bene fourtene feet of hycht with square membris effering thairto VI zeris," continues he, "afore the cumyng of this werk to lycht we saw his hanche-bane, als mekill as the hail bane of ane man, lor we schot our arme in the mouth thairof.

A bene et honeste tractabit et gubernabit, ac

Ther hath bene houses in tyme of mind inhabited in the est suburbe of Old-Saresbyri; but now there is not one house neither within Old-Saresbyri nor without it inhabited.

I thought that shepheards had bene mannerlesse, But wood-men are the ruder groomes I guesse.

Optimum bene nasci.

Innoxium reddit et bene olentum.

Ideo bene praefatus Adrianus Papa IV. dicebat, Cathedram Petri spinosam, et Mantum ejus acutissimis per totum consertum aculeis, et tantae gravitatis, ut robustissimos premat et conterat humeros.

Yf the bysshoppes had bene preachers, there sholde never have bene any such thynge," &c. Robin Hood was believed to possess supernatural powers.

These Friers are such as haue bene Priests, and their wiues dying they must become Friers of this place, and neuer after eate flesh, for if they do, they are depriued from saying masse:

I know you haue bene prying like the Deuill from East to West, to heare what newes: I will acquaint thee with some, & that a secret distillation before thou goest.

Had she not so doon, sure I had bene slayne; Yet as it was, I hardly scap't with paine.

habere te posse ex hoc intelligamus: si feceris, bene speres, salvus est artifex.

& the Gamboll being ended she came in like a mad woman, ruffled & crumpled, her haire about her eares; & he all unbrac'd, sweating as if he had bene thrashing; & afterwards he told me, my lords, that he had downe diddled her.

Well, I must say nothing; my young Cocke has bene treading.

many such Graunts have bene undulie obteyned ...

It is worth noticing also that a distinction was now drawn between the fisherman and the fishmongerthe man who caught the fish and he who sold itpiscator and piscarius; and in the vocabulary itself the leonine line is cited: "Piscator prendit, quod piscarius bene vendit.

Qui bene vult [Greek: Pioein] debet ante [Greek: pinein]:

Hoc bene qui callet, (si quis tamen hoc bene callet,) Scribe vel invito sapientem hunc Socrate solum.

A and B] bene whids.

Otiosus animus nescit quid volet: An idle person (as he follows it) knows not when he is well, what he would have, or whither he would go, Quum illuc ventum est, illinc lubet, he is tired out with everything, displeased with all, weary of his life: Nec bene domi, nec militiae, neither at home nor abroad, errat, et praeter vitam vivitur, he wanders and lives besides himself.

27 Words to use with  bene