3 Words to use with bezoar

Christophorus Ayrerus prefers bezoar stone, and the confection of alkermes, before other cordials, and amber in some cases.

Oh! what cold, famine, &c. For an account of the "bezoar nut" and the Unicorn's horn vid.

He likewise collected a number of herbs and simples; as Virginian snakeweed, contrajerva, pestilence-wort, angelica, elecampane, zedoary, tormentil, valerian, lovage, devils-bit, dittany, master-wort, rue, sage, ivy-berries, and walnuts; together with bole ammoniac, terra sigillata, bezoar-water, oil of sulphur, oil of vitriol, and other compounds.

3 Words to use with  bezoar