9 Words to use with budget

CHECK IT, budget plan, by Samuel Marsh.

Budget hems in Brooklyn's crowded state hospital.

Budget checking accounts and journal checking accounts.

The salt tax was the top budget item around A.D. 900.

Mr. AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN, returning to the Exchequer after an interval of thirteen years, made a much better Budget speech than one would have expected.

Science kept on developing in other fields, too, but mainly as a hobby of scholars and in the shops of craftsmen, if it did not have importance for the administration and especially taxation and budget calculations.

Under the English budget system new imposts now take effect as soon as they are proposed by the government, the contingency of alteration in the course of enactment being provided for by return of payments made in error.

During one of those ordered, calculated "changes of direction" to which Spain lives subject, because of its parliamentary system of party weights and party balances, the Conservatives captured the premiership; and Rafael went on the budget committee.

Expenditure did not fall, and there was a constant succession of budget deficits.

9 Words to use with  budget