8 Words to use with busts

(He carried me into the parlor and showed me life-sized bust portraits of his mother and father.)

By remembering that horizontal trimmings apparently decrease the height, and that vertical lines add to it, those who desire to appear at their best will use discernment in dividing their basques with yokes, or corsage mountings at the bust-line or frills at the hip-line.

Dan, on the other hand, turned instantly to what he termed the "bust list.

CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE Mr M'Swat and I Have a Bust-up Men only, and they merely on business, came to Barney's Gapwomen tabooed the place.

Bust measurement.

In the advertisement columns one finds nothing of books, nothing of art; but great choice of bust developers, hair restorers, nervous tonics, clothing sales, self-contained flats, and business opportunities....

Lessons were thrust into the background of her mind by the throng of "scene-plots," "leaders," "bust-scenes," "inserts," "synopses," etc., that flashed through her head continually.

Straight in her chair, her great shelf of bust heaving, sat Rosa Kantor, suddenly dry of eye; Isadore Kantor head up.

8 Words to use with  busts