80 Words to use with card

Donations are accepted in a number of other ways including including checks, online payments and credit card donations.

When their tired eyes had got accustomed to the mingled smoke and glare, the travellers could see that in the space beyond the card tables, in those back regions where the pianola reigned, there were several couples twirling aboutthe clumsily-dressed miners pirouetting with an astonishing lightness on their moccasined feet.

Between themthat Patricia might have her card-game, that he might sit upon a platform for an hour or two with a half-dozen other pompous foolsthey had let Agatha die.

Life was not much to look forward to,the stretch it had been before: study, and the war, and hard common sense,the theatre,card-playing.

The bag which he had left on the pier had been opened at the request of the police and a card-case found with his address on it.

He shall be an economist of the larger sort, providing for the spiritual necessities of men and their moral conduct, rather than for their balls, card-parties, and social side-shows, including church entertainments and philanthropic dances and bazaars.

You wouldn't want to take a girl's savings of years and years to gamble on a sporty cigar proposition with a card-room in the rear.

And you above all, who get rich quick By the rattle of dice and the three card trick.

How much have you cleared?" Shillito said nothing, and Cartwright went on: "My antagonists are old card-players who know the game; but when you broke Forman he was drunk and the other two were not quite sober.

They can call my dad and get his credit card number.

Quite without conscious effort his brain registered and filed away in the card-index of his subconscious mind the picture presented by the passing of Luke Tweezy, the impression made thereby, and the inference drawn therefrom.

I am cutting her out a Coach in card-board.

IBM electric punched card accounting machines, customer engineering annual of instruction, automatic reproducing punch type 513.

" The three views here before us may be familiarly exemplified by supposing the sugar to be a card-house.

"At length my eyes, in going the circuit of the room, fell upon a trumpery filigree card-rack of pasteboard that hung dangling by a dirty blue ribbon from a little brass knob just beneath the middle of the mantelpiece.

HILLIARD, JOHN NORTHERN. Card magic, a practical treatise on modern card conjuring.

SEE Terman, Lewis M. Printed card material for Revised Stanford-Binet tests.

"At what game?" "Three card monte.

The card catalogue carrying information about every soldier from the district, gives its overwhelming news each day gently to wife or mother, through the lips of Mme.

BAEHNE, G. W., ed. Practical applications of the punched card method in colleges and universities.

It is still being fed with dwindling hopes of victory, no longer unstinted hopes, but still hopesby a sort of political bread-card system.

John Francis McDermott (A); 7Jun63; R316793. DODSON, GOODLETTE. Exhibition card fans.

As to your brother, it was your father's foolish severity about a card debt, and insisting upon placing him away from me, that is primarily responsible for the divorce, not any wish of mine to exile Carthy.

The Lord Chief Justice had a great knowledge of card-sharping and of all other rogueries, so that he was an apt man to deal with delinquents who practised them.

When your body is found it will be taken for granted that the servant killed the master for the sake of the money which he won by crooked card play.

80 Words to use with  card