8 Words to use with castor

It sounds like castor-oil tastes, or a snail looks after you have put salt on him.

Proceed as in recipe for Savoury Omelet, but substitute a dessertspoon castor sugar for the onion and parsley.

Its northern edge, along which we travelled, is covered with fields of wheat, cotton, and castor-beans.

His mother did all she could to dissuade him but he made up a bundle of provisions, and set off on his journey with a stick, and a bow and arrows, and a flute made of the castor oil plant.

Farm-yard manure is preferred, but castor-cake and the water hyacintha weedconstitute good substitutes.

Thomson, Through Masai Land, 89, where we read that woman's coating of lampblack and castor-oilher only dressserves to prevent excessive perspiration in the day-time and ward off chills at night.

Thundering like an express train, it dashed above the Prescott home, leaving in its wake the pungent odor of burning castor-oilthe most suitable lubricant for aeroplanes.

Oil was obtained from the olive, the castor-berry, simsin, and coleseed.

8 Words to use with  castor