40 Words to use with chestnut

The daylight had not yet wholly gone, and it guided me to two gate-posts, from which an avenue of chestnut trees led up to a great house.

His spurs had not touched the mareinstead he had been careful not to let their steel points so much as ruffle the golden-chestnut hair of her belly or flank.

Some oneit must have been Mr. Axtell or Katiehad put upon the hearth a stick of chestnut-wood, which, suddenly igniting, snapped vigorously.

There was a wild flutter of brown hands and feet, and then the chestnut leaves closed calmly over the opening, and there were but two boys in the consultery.

Is all that stuff in a horse chestnut leaf-food?"

Slip was riding a big chestnut mare down the street and humming an accompaniment to the tune she was playing with her bit.

That one was not larger than a walnut, was shaped like a brioche, and resembled a chestnut-burr.

He came on a prancing chestnut horse which sidled uneasily on a weaving course, as though it wished to show off for the benefit of the rider and the crowd at once.

The first gleam made the dark lonely islet into a cheering home, turned the protecting tree to a starlit roof, and the chestnut-sprays to illuminated walls.

He was of a dark chestnut color, and had a well-shaped body and a long, handsome head, and I never saw, in the head of a man or beast, a more beautiful pair of eyes than that colt hadlarge, full, brown eyes they were that he turned on me almost as a person would.

Leaving the rustic revellers, the queer little church, with its ancient calvary, rudely carved, and resting upon a single column, I was soon in the shadow of the old chestnut forest that covered the steep side of the high cliffs above the Lot.

Whatever the risk, I could not part with every relic of her we had lost; and, after passing them through such chemical purification as Martial science suggested, I took the three long chestnut locks I had preserved.

"Dow Padgett's chestnut sorrel, by jing!

He stands for a moment gazing at Redbud with his dreamy and smiling eyes, silent in the sunshine like a shadow, then he pushes back his tangled chestnut curls, and laughs.

Even indoors it is easy to give the joy of growing seeds and bulbs and of opening chestnut branches: without any cruelty we can let them enjoy watching snails and worms and we can keep caterpillars or silkworms and so let them drink their fill of the miracle of development.

The oak-saplings rubbed their old leaves one on another, as folks rub their hands, feeling life and warmth; the chestnut-buds groped like an infant's fingers; and the chorus broke out again, the thrush leading"Tiurru, tiurru, chippewee; tio-tee, tio-tee; queen, queen, que-een!"

The hair of this little girl toolook at it, as the soft chestnut ringlets wave about on her shoulders as she swings, and show the round richness of the curls.

The Baron's Hall, with its open chestnut roof and stained-glass windows, is perhaps one of the most striking features in the castle.

Never in his life had the chestnut run as he ran now, and never had he fled so hopelessly.

Her hair was perfect; its tint the exact hue of a new chestnut-skin, with golden lights, and shadows of deep brown; not a tinge of red libelled it as auburn; and the light broke on its glittering waves as it does on the sea, tipping the undulations with sunshine, and scattering rays of gold through the long, loose curls, and across the curve of the massive coil, that seemed almost too heavy for her proud and delicate head to bear.

As well follow the wind as the chestnut stranger.

The villa lay beneath him; the blackened ruins of the tower rose over the chestnut-tops.

Then Madeleine, whose chestnut tresses were tinged with gleaming gold, and who was slimmer than her sister, and of a more dreamy style of beauty, her character and disposition refined by her musical tastes, made a love match which was quite a romance.

The fair hair and deep blue eyes of Elinor were as pretty under the purple plumage as Jeannie's darker locks and brilliant bloom; and there was a wonderful bright mingling of color between the golden pheasant's breast and the gleaming chestnut waves it crowned, as Leslie took her hat and tried it on.

Her brown eyes surveyed her brother from between heavy chestnut lashes, and just now they were very haughty eyes.

40 Words to use with  chestnut