95 Words to use with chickens

Cook vegetables 5 minutes in 2 tablespoons chicken fat or butter.

Boil 5 medium-sized beets until tender; then chop and add to a highly seasoned chicken broth.

It's so pretty and cunning, and it has the loveliest garden and chicken-coop and everything.

Under no circumstances is ventilation of the sick-room so essential as in cases of febrile diseases, usually considered infectious; such as typhus and puerperal fevers, influenza, hooping-cough, small- and chicken-pox, scarlet fever, measles, and erysipelas: all these are considered communicable through the air; but there is little danger of infection being thus communicated, provided the room is kept thoroughly ventilated.

"The chicken pie is good," he said.

If stock is not at hand, put the chicken-bones in water, with an onion, carrot, a few sweet herbs, a blade of mace, pepper and salt, and stew for 3 hours.

He was passing chicken-houses and stables.

At Miss Selene Coblenz's engagement reception, an event properly festooned with smilax and properly jostled with the elbowing figures of waiters tilting their plates of dark-meat chicken salad, two olives, and a finger-roll in among the crowd, a stringed three-piece orchestra, faintly seen and still more faintly heard, played into the babel.

Cook some rice in a rich chicken stock; place on a platter.

I dessay you, bein' a bachelor, think that my Lily kind o' wallers in washin' my ole duds, an' cookin' the beans and bacon when the thermometer's up to a hundred in the shade, and doin' chores around the hog pens an' chicken yards?

Near Ashland, in Virginia, a spring has been discovered that runs chicken soup.

I've set out some young trees in the orchard, and unless I get chicken wire around them, my sheep will be barking them for me.

So the chickens beset him most cruelly behind, And yanked his whole tail out together; The peacocks attacked him madly before, And pulled out each chicken feather.

Then it was poured out into cups, and nice chicken sandwiches were passed on little wooden plates.

Put on a platter; sprinkle with chopped chicken liver, scrambled eggs and grated cheese and serve at once. 12.Spanish Broiled Kidney.

They all drove to Hooker's Falls to church and returned to find that old Nora had prepared a fine chicken dinner for them.

We'll buy a chicken-farm.

If I take him with me now I'll have to lock him up with two chicken thieves and a tramp.

"A dollar and eighty-seven cents' worth of chicken stew running loose on the landscape.

Taking the weight of the birds at the fair average of five pounds each, we thus see them producing within a year double their weight of egg alone; and, supposing every egg to contain a chick, and allowing the chick to, grow, in less than eighteen months from the laying of the first egg, two thousand five hundred pounds of chicken-meat would be the result.

The seed makes very good chicken-food.

Here it ain't even chicken feed.

I ate half a chicken croquette, and Susan placed the salad before Richard, and another plate.

Tents and portable chicken runs, as these make excellent houses.


95 Words to use with  chickens