6 Words to use with chrome

Spectro-chrome metry encyclopaedia.

Spectro-chrome home guide, for family use of cabinet equipment in spectrochrome metry.

Geigy chrome steam process (for dyeing nylon)

chrome-lead ore was still clearly to be recognized.

The quarry was fallen to ruin and flooded with rain, so that only a shallow hollow in the ground remained visible; and after a long search amongst the bushes growing there a few small fragments were found, on which [Chrome-lead ore.]

Here is not merely the plain yellow of the grains, but nearly all the colors that we know, the brightest blue not excepted: the early blushing Maple, the Poison-Sumach blazing its sins as scarlet, the mulberry Ash, the rich chrome-yellow of the Poplars, the brilliant red Huckleberry, with which the hills' backs are painted, like those of sheep.

6 Words to use with  chrome