7 Words to use with circumference

This is certain, that the first basin is for half of its circumference circular, and walled with ash beds, which seem to slope outward from it.

The fittest instrument of speculation is furnished by mathematics, in its conception of the infinite and the wonders of numerical relations: as on the infinite sphere center and circumference coincide, so God's essence is exalted above all opposites; and as the other numbers are unfolded from the unit, so the finite proceeds by explication from the infinite.

"Permit it not that in the generous breasts of those whose blood Flows in my veins, who by my side as faithful champions stood, Those cursed asps, whose effigies my shield's circumference fill, Could plant the thoughts of villany by which they work me ill.

In all its hundred miles or so of circumference nature is the dominant notea nature so mysterious, so powerful, and yet so soft-handed, so beauty-loving and so laughing in its indulgences, that one can hardly believe it the same that rules the Northern climes and forces man to labor in pain all his days or to die.

In partial illustration of this, he caused a little globe of oil, suspended in an aqueous liquid of nearly its own specific gravity, to rotate, and as it rotated it was seen, by means of its magnified image upon the screen, to throw off from its outer circumference rings and little globes.

"I was asleep in my wigwam, was waked up by a rumpus outside, rushed out with my gun, and chased the crowd around the hut till I was dead beat, then I bent my rifle across my knee into the exact circumference shape of my house, and fired.

(For the Mirror.) Go, trace the forest maze, Or Cretan lab'rinth solve, On Nature's myst'ries gaze, Or Gordian knot resolve. Tell whence the magnet's force, The central motive scan, Lay bare Nile's hidden source, Earth's vast circumference span. Results from such detail Skill superhuman prove: Yet powers like these would fail To tell the course of love.

7 Words to use with  circumference