6 Words to use with client

In addition to the causes of this increase in the importance of transmarine commerce which need no further explanation, it was artificially promoted by the privileged position which the ruling Italian nation assumed in the provinces, and by the exemption from customs-dues which was probably even now in many of the client-states conceded by treaty to the Romans and Latins.

"For some unexplained reason, your Honor, my client desires to suspend further proceedings, with a view to effect a peaceable compromise with the plaintiff.

As for Mr. Henry, to save his client money, and to protect money, he does not carehe does not even perceivehow he induces deterioration of character.

"It was another's troublethat of a client o' mine, a poor woman out in the country.

Man of state and man of counsel, since you're in a mood so kind, Since you're showing to all present such a gracious frame of mind, See, without, a needy client standing waiting at your door Whom the slightest sign of favor will make happy evermore.

I left my client yonder in a rant, Against the envious, and the ignorant, Who are, he says, his only enemies:

6 Words to use with  client