135 Words to use with clubs

Like newspapers and club-houses, they are self-supporting.

I had an elegant dinner at the club rooms, with the gentlemen who had been out on the September hunt, and other members of the club.

" Conrad Lagrange, before they drifted apart, found opportunity to growl in his companion's ear; "A near-great musicianan actress of divorce court famean art critic, boon companion of our friend Rutlidgetwo free-lance yellow journalistsa poetwith leading culture-club women of various brands, and a mob of mere fashion and wealth.

If a man who had lived the club life of London returns from abroad, he can always run across someone he knows in the circle of the Empire about ten o'clock at night.

For 100 feet or so above the fall the ascent was made possible only by tough cushions of club-moss that clung to the rock.

It is such a sad thing to be born a sneaking fellow, so much worse than to inherit a hump- back or a couple of club-feet, that I sometimes feel as if we ought to love the crippled souls, if I may use this expression, with a certain tenderness which we need not waste on noble natures.

W. was not a club man, went very rarely to his club, but his uncle went every afternoon before dinner, and gave us all the potins (gossip) of that world, very hostile to the Republic, and still quite believing that their turn would come.

When Johnnie and Mandy Meachamstrangely assorted pairentered the long room, festivities were already in progress; Negro fiddlers were reeling off dance music, and Miss Lydia was trying to teach some of her club members the two-step.

Mr. Spalding is pre-eminently fitted to perform this service, his connection with the game having been contemporaneous with its development, as player, club owner and league director.

We'll dine together firstPeter's got a club dinner."

BROWNE, ARCHIBALD A. The gun club drink book.

Of the growth of the club movement in the United States, in Great Britain, France, Russia, and in far-off India, I do not propose to enter into detail.

F.'s family and ours form a club meeting three times a week, and writing 'machine poetry' in great quantities.

The Harvard dramatic club miracle plays.

Harold Rice presents Keith Clark's original nite club act.

In the club library at midnight I found a copy of Cappelletti's Storia degli Ordini Cavallereschi, the standard work on the subject, and on searching the illustrations I at length discovered a picture of it.

Men sit in club windows and still wear their silk hats as though there was no glass between them and the windy world.

Glenn glee club book for girls.

The night club mystery.

[Lat.]; club law, lynch law, mob law, arguementum baculinum^, le droit du plus fort [Fr.], martial law. restraint &c 751; necessity &c 601; force majeure [Fr.]; Hobson's choice.

Doctor Oldacre is the coal-pit club doctor; thou art his assistant.

If a renewal add 75c to club price.) with SUCCESS and 1 of A, ...... 5.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of A, ...... 5.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of B, ...... 6.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of B, ...... 7.50 with SUCCESS and Outlook (new) 6.50 with SUCCESS and Harper's Magazine or Weekly, .........

Sub-deb club handbook.

What years of development she enjoyed long before the club idea possessed her, endowing her with wisdom and mental breadth, and what associations that urged and demanded that she become a student of sociology!

I want a croustade of chicken and club-sandwiches.

135 Words to use with  clubs