13 Words to use with comets

Sometimes we should hark back to 1820 port, a wine which I remember to have had a rich colour and a full refined flavour, and once I tasted the famous comet wine, 1811, which, however, had lost something of its nucleus, and only retained a certain tawny, nebulous tone.

And oft within a little day 'Mid comets fierce 'tis mine to stray, And wander o'er the Milky-way To catch a Poet's dream.

My proselytes are struck with awful dread; 380 Your bloody comet-laws hang blazing o'er their head; The respite they enjoy but only lent, The best they have to hope, protracted punishment.

A gentle breeze gave to each spouting jet, a misty tail, comet-like in appearance to the admiring spectators.

On the 5th of August, Father de Vico, who had left Rome in the spring in consequence of the troubles there, made a visit to Cambridge, in company with the Right Rev. Bishop Fitzpatrick, of Boston, and on this occasion informed me that he had received an intimation from Professor Schumacher that the comet-medal would be awarded to Miss Mitchell.

Besides the comet observations it included an account of Tycho's system of the world.

Though Liberty shall soon, indignant, raise Red on the hills his beacon's comet blaze; Bid from on high his lonely cannon sound, And on ten thousand hearths his shout rebound; His larum-bell from village-tower to tower Swing on the astounded ear its dull undying roar; 1820.]

To see this fleet upon the ocean move, Angels drew wide the curtains of the skies; And heaven, as if there wanted lights above, For tapers made two glaring comets rise.

'These dreadful secrets of the sky 'Alarm my soul with chilling fear: 'Do planets in their orbits fly? 'And is the Earth, indeed, a sphere? 'Let planets still their aim pursue, 'And comets round creation run 'In Him my faithful friend I view, 'The image of my Godthe Sun.

I had a good star near it in the field of my comet-seeker, but what star?

The forms of glowing logs appeared falling from it and bloody comet stars were seen.

Who, now?" demanded the Master, as he came close and peered down by the fire-gleam roaring on the beach, sending sheaves of sparks in comet-tails of vanishing radiance down-wind with rushing sand.

Then it was accepted, as any other wonder, such as a comet passing, or an airship disaster.

13 Words to use with  comets