4 Words to use with commemoration

Marengo: the Battle of, Commemoration column thrown down.

In New York, as in other cities and towns throughout the Union, the day was devoted to commemoration exercises, and even in the South, in centres like Atlanta (the capture of which in 1864 had indicated the collapse of the cause of the Confederacy), representative Southerners gave their testimony to the life and character of the great American.

But what is to be done in offices where a commemoration prayer and the prayer of the office is from the common?

They had some kind of flimsy gauzy bonnets that were faded and utterly done for after Commemoration week; and as Uncle Martyn is always growling about ladies' luggage, they thought it would be a capital plan to go without all the time they are down here, till another quarter is due.

4 Words to use with  commemoration