46 Words to use with commencing

Here the mill-wright announced his determination to commence operations at once, putting in a protest against destroying the works of the beavers.

in such a menacing tone that the questioner saw fit to turn on his heel and walk away with an alacrity of movement not altogether due to any particular eagerness to commence work.

"You fail to make sufficient inquiries before you commence business.

" Mr. Philemon Bliss, of Ohio, in his letters from Florida, in 1835, says, "The negroes commence labor by daylight in the morning, and excepting the plowboys, who must feed and rest their horses, do not leave the field till dark in the evening.

In Naples the French and Spanish quarrel and commence hostilities. 1503.

I went home, therefore, determined to commence practice as a stranger.

It was even declared that some of his friends had already gone off to the south, and were seeking, a fitting spot on which to commence building.

Execute rapidly the signal "Commence firing.

Commence return.

"Such men are ready to despond, or commence enemies.

His intimate friends were told of the new joy that had come to him: he instructed the women who worked at the colleges, and when he went home induced his relatives to commence family prayers.

Vavasor will be freed from his bondagefree to choose anew, and commence H more auspicious career.

Then, when I give the word for the boys to commence heaving, you work both legs as hard as ever you can.

The week was mostly spent in looking for apartments; as we had concluded to commence housekeeping on a small scale, in order to be more independent and to save money.

"The winter of '34 and '35 was spent in making roads, and getting provisions together, and preparing to commence improvements.

"''Tis a long walk,' said I; 'go down and get some supper before you commence inquiries.'

" Soon after this, Angelina writes that some Boston women, including Maria Chapman and Lydia M. Child, were about to start a woman's rights paper, and she adds: "We greatly hope dear Maria Chapman will soon commence lecturing, and that the spark we have been permitted to kindle on the woman question will never die out.

Bertram, have you the courage to commence life anew and become a peasant?" Bertram smiled.

The magnitude of the order made it worth while to commence manufacturer, and to make tools for the express business.

Dans tout ce pays on parle Turc, et on commence même à le parler dès Antioche, qui est, comme je l'ai dit, la capitale de Turcomanie.

commence une longue suite de montagnes, dont la plus haute, nommée mont Cénis, forme un passage dangereux dans les temps de neige.

This rendered the Gauls still more inclined to commence negotiations; they were, moreover, called back by an inroad of some Alpine tribes into Lombardy, where they had left their wives and children: they offered to depart if the Romans would pay them a ransom of a thousand pounds of gold, to be taken no doubt from the Capitoline treasury.

By Julia's advice we have neglected the repeated invitations of Major Sanford to visit and commence neighborhood with them till yesterday, when we received a polite billet requesting the honor of our company to dine.

"I shall have to spend some time in New Haven getting settled, and I wish to commence painting as soon as possible, for I have more than a summer's work before me in the President's portrait and Mrs. Ball's.

Pour l'instruction de ceux qui, comme moi, voudroient l'entreprendre, je dirai que l'usage est de traiter avec le grand trucheman de Jérusalem; que celui-ci commence par percevoir un droit pour le soudan et un autre pour lui, et qu'alors il envoie prévenir le trucheman de Gaza, qui à son tour traite du passage avec

46 Words to use with  commencing