8 Words to use with commonwealth

As soon as he came to Kentucky he rose to leadership, and remained for many years among the foremost of the commonwealth founders.

(In Fond Du Lac commonwealth reporter, Apr. 4, 1947)

"Well, he is now fettered in business of more unpleasant nature:" The muses have lost him, but the commonwealth gains by it; the corruption of a poet is the generation of a statesman.

But they advanced in wisdom every hour, And made the commonwealth advance in power.

Or perhaps, Mr. Secretary, some remarkable Commonwealths man, a pollitician in Government.

"The character of the king's men who came over during the commonwealth period has been a subject of much discussion.

He appeared before the commonwealth-general with the dignified air of one who is prepared to suffer for his principles.

Whereas the princes or great men are malicious, envious, factious, ambitious, emulators, they tear a commonwealth asunder, as so many Guelfs and Gibelines disturb the quietness of it, [490]and with mutual murders let it bleed to death; our histories are too full of such barbarous inhumanities, and the miseries that issue from them.

8 Words to use with  commonwealth