14 Words to use with conduit

Precision conduit bending.

Water in conduit-pipes can rise no higher Than the well-head from whence it first doth spring; Then since to eternal God she doth aspire, She cannot but be an eternal thing.

Conduit wiring.

It was a wallthe conduit wall!

Conduit water is nector to it, Suc.

La voix reprend: Dieu conduit par la main Le vengeur en travers de votre affreux chemin; L'heure vous existiez est une heure sonnée; Rien ne peut plus bouger dans votre destinée; L'idée inébranlable et calme est dans le joint.

Je n'y vis ni buffet, ni ménestrels, ni le seigneur de Bosnie, ni les Valaques; mais seulement Magnoly, frère du duc de Chifalonie (Céphalonie), qui se conduit envers le prince comme un serviteur bien respectueux.

Of course, the possession of a sauf-conduit presupposes all one's papers en règle, but I never saw anyone examining to make sure of that.

at once to be, What in the body natural we see! Man's Architect distinctly did ordain The charge of muscles, nerves, and of the brain, Through viewless conduits spirits to dispense; The springs of motion from the seat of sense.

At a point where the trail turns to round the inward curve of one of the small side canyonswhere the pines grow dark and tallsome thoughtful hand had laid a small pipe from the large conduit tunnel, under the trail, to a barrel fixed on the mountainside below the little path.

Je fus arrêté à mon tour, et conduit devant un des cadis, gens qu'ils regardent comme nous nos évêques, et qui sont chargés d'administrer la justice.

The same year in these acc'ts we find three conduit wardens mentioned.

They worked like mad, picking, hacking, pulling, piling the bricks softly down on the conduit floor.

Up to now, as I have told you, the sauf-conduit matter, except on the last day I was at Meaux, was the thinnest sort of formality.

14 Words to use with  conduit