45 Words to use with contracts

Contract bridge made easy.

Basic contract law; advance pamphlet.

LENZ, SIDNEY S. 1-2-3 on the official system of contract bidding.

to the contract price on condition that the time is kept.

But these are mission schools, for the societies which support them would not continue to do so for a day except for their missionary character; and yet these schools are classed by the Department not as missionary but as contract schools.

The contract system is something beyond the wildest excesses I ever read of in pillage and chicanery.

GRASKE, THEODORE W. The law governing war contract claims.

(iv) Full-time work in an establishment engaged on contract work for a Government Department.

You can credit yourself with the balance, and I'll pay off when the contract money comes in.

Will American women supply it, will they, loving ease, favor contract labor from the outside, or will they accept the optimistic view that lack of labor is not acute?

I have been told that when an English agitation against the importation of Chinese contract labour into South Africa was proposed, an important personage said that 'there was not a vote in it.'

If a measure so extraordinary in its character and so clearly contrary to treaty stipulations and the contract rights of the Panama Railroad Company, composed mostly of American citizens, should be persisted in, it will be the duty of the United States to resist its execution.

The social contract theory has often experienced democratic interpretation and application, both before and since Hobbes's time; and, in fact, it does not include per se the irrevocability of the transfer, the absoluteness of the sovereign power, and the monarchical head, which Hobbes considered indispensable in order to guard against the danger of anarchy.

All "gentry" families owned substantial estates in the provinces which they leased to tenants on a kind of contract basis.

Otis contract services, September 1944.

The contract clause of the Constitution.

Berkley, his face a mass of bloody rags, gazed from his wet saddle with feverish eyes at the brave contract surgeons standing silent amid their wounded under the cedar trees.

Congress could declare war, make peace, issue money, keep up an army and a navy, contract debts, enter into treaties of commerce, and settle disputes between states.

The Jews and Greeks have made millions in the contract business; why should not we be able to do as well?

saw you the Contract torne, As I did heare a minion sweare he threatened?

Not infrequently a young girl contracts tuberculosis and dies before one realizes that she is ill.

In the language of the Declaration of Independence, each State had "full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do."

The result has been a performance of contract obligations in which the State got its money's worth.

When a whole factory of men strikeespecially if there are any big contract orders to fill in a rushthe employers sometimes find it cheaper to give them what they want than to call in untrained strikebreakers.

In order to take advantage of the ensuing summer season for my operations in Russia, I determined to proceed immediately to the United States to make some necessary preparations for the enterprise, without waiting for the formal completion of the contract papers, being led to believe that the signature of the Emperor was sure, a matter of mere form.

45 Words to use with  contracts