13 Words to use with convenience

Another was kept by Turkey for convenience sake.

There's some Chardonnay in the convenience bar.

At Westover, while conformity to colonial times is carried far, even to the exclusion of rocking-chairs, yet there has been no shrinking from anachronisms that comfort or convenience demand.

As we have seen in the case of the dux, convenience points to the urbs of each civitas as a natural centre, and consequently here again we find the office of gastald as another agent in bringing the municipal division into prominence; but doing this, we must always remember, simply from the fact of convenience or fitness, and not in any sense as a matter of constitutional necessity.

For convenience poisons may be divided into two classes, irritants and narcotics.

For example, within certain elastic limits of convenience quarters may be used for halves, and dimes for nickels (and vice versa); but each person has a point of preference.

Ye high, exalted, virtuous dames, Tied up in godly laces, Before ye gie poor Frailty names, Suppose a change o' cases: A dear-lov'd lad, convenience snug, A treach'rous inclination

So far, therefore, as the people can with convenience speak, it is safer for them to express their own will.

As a matter of convenience telegrams may be paid for by sticking postage stamps upon the blanks.

It was just a matter of convenience andwe are going to forget it.

Must not on man's convenience wait.

THE GRAVES of those not having totems are found in clusters, or scattered on the mountain sides, or anywhere convenience dictates.

For greater convenience moneys are also deposited at certain designated banks.

13 Words to use with  convenience