9 Words to use with coordinates

The creation of the Supreme Court, a distinct coordinate branch for the final interpretation of law, was the master-stroke of the constitution.

Coordinate geometry.

A coordinate department of the judiciary has expounded the Constitution and the laws, settling in harmonious coincidence with the legislative will numerous weighty questions of construction which the imperfection of human language had rendered unavoidable.

If the opinion of the Supreme Court covered the whole ground of this act, it ought not to control the coordinate authorities of this Government.

Laurence P. Emery (A); 18Feb55; R144740. COHEN, JOSEPH B. Advantages in using the coordinate lien security plan.

The moment we consider the situation philosophically we perceive why using a court to control a coordinate legislature must, nearly inevitably, be sooner or later fatal to the court, if it asserts its prerogative.

The appointment of a committee of the Senate to confer immediately with the Executive himself appears to lose sight of the coordinate relation between the Executive and the Senate which the Constitution has established, and which ought therefore to be maintained.

The President, as the chief executive power, must have a free and entirely unfettered communication with the coordinate powers of Government.

For the progression of things, the subjection which naturally subsists together with such progression, and the power of diversity in coordinate genera give subsistence to all the multitude of corporeal and incorporeal natures.

9 Words to use with  coordinates