41 Words to use with corporations

SEE New Jersey corporation law.

SEE Laski, Harold J. LASSER, J. K. Your corporation tax.

Cases and materials in the law of corporation finance.

The Ohio corporation manual.

Adviser to a corporation lawyer?

We have trusts, syndicates, and corporation-problems handled with a firm intellectual grasp and a wide outlook over human affairs.

Corporation profits.

The Ohio corporation desk book.

The new corporation income tax.

(Corporation forms annotated, v. 10) © 1Aug27; A1013387.

I fully admit that it is not so clean as it should be, considering that the sum nominally spent on cleansing the streets amounts to very nearly sixty thousand pounds a year, a sum equal to one pound for every ten inhabitants; but the solution of this problem must be looked for in the system of election to the corporation offices, on which topic I propose to make a few observations in some future portion of these pages.

Corporation securities were few and unseasoned; lands were liable to wear out and were painfully slow in liquidation; but slaves were a self-perpetuating stock whose ownership was a badge of dignity, whose management was generally esteemed a pleasurable responsibility, whose labor would yield an income, and whose value could be realized in cash with fair promptitude in time of need.

Materials on corporation accounting; temporary edition.

A worker, formerly employed by a subsidiary of the Eastern Lumber & Railway Company, had been deprived of his wages on a technicality of the law by the corporation attorneys.

They come into parliament not to forward the great interests they ostensibly support, but with an eye to the railway jobbery, corporation business, concessions and financial operations that necessarily go on in and about the national legislature.

There was an act for the relief of skinners, and a charter given by Queen Elizabeth in the twenty-first year of her reign to the Eastland merchants for a monopoly of trade in those countries; it would be interesting could these early corporation charters and monopoly grants be printed, for they are not usually found in the statutes of the realm.

(e) Taxes may be levied on selected agencies of industry or on the process of business; such are business taxes, licenses, taxes on investment in business, and corporation taxes.

Do they even attempt to distinguish between a man's act as a corporation director and as an individual?

There was a strong push made to get one laid down in Broadway, and corporation jobbery had nearly succeeded.

Such are the obvious glaring heathen virtues of a corporation dinner, compared with the reserved collegiate worth of brawn.

The killing was immediately charged to a corporation detective, and our noble press made much of the incident before it found out the truth.

Legislation should properly be much more drastic on this point; but indeed our whole corporation legislation seems rather to have been drawn by able lawyers with a view of protecting the corporation or the person who profits by the abuse thereof, than with a real desire to apply intelligent and practicable remedies to the situation.

The wheel of fortune, beginning to whirl, threw them off beyond the ancient corporation lines, and sowed civilization and even trade upon the lands of the Graviers and Girods.

Various local courts, such as county courts, corporation courts, etc.

It was a corporation measure.

41 Words to use with  corporations