8 Words to use with cough

"You're getting nervous again, poor wreck, and need some more West Indian cough-mixture.

In illustration of this last observation, it may further be observed, that most of the nostrums advertised as cough drops, etc., are preparations of opium, similar, but inferior, to the well-known paregoric elixir of the shops, but disguised and rendered more deleterious by the addition of heating and aromatic gums.

You know my brother invented a cough lozenge, 'Dervishes' lozenges'?" "Yes, you gave me a box of them.

When the machine swelled out like it was blowed up, and it kind of wheezed, like it was ready to cough up, and was only waiting for an excuse, I put a cough lozenger about the size of a nickel in the slot and turned the diaphram.

Instantly he sprang to his feet, turned round several times in an appalling, spasmodic whooping-cough dance, and rushed out at the door to the great consternation of the company.

If hooping-cough attack a child whilst teething, or from six months to two or three years of age, it is very common for the brain to suffer, and convulsions and water on the head to occur, particularly if the latter disease prevails in the family.

Opiates are an ingredient in different forms and proportions in almost all the soothing-syrups, cough medicines, cholera mixtures, pain cures, and consumption remedies, so widely and unwisely used.

DESCRIPTION OF THE DISEASE.Hooping-cough commences with the symptoms of a common cold, which is more or less frequent.

8 Words to use with  cough