12 Words to use with courtship

A LOCK OF HAIR A more subtle problem than those so far considered is presented by a courtship custom described by Bulmer (Brough Smyth, 82-84).

Different species show different courtship displays.

The pianist Hummel, whom I always place with Clementi in a sort of musical Dunciad, is credited with having won a courtship duel against Beethoven, in which Clementi as the winneror was it the loser?married the woman.

How little Love is understood by thee, 'Tis Custom, and not Passion you pursue; Because Enjoyment first was nam'd by me, It does destroy what shou'd your Flame renew: My easy yielding does your Fire abate, And mine as much your tedious Courtship hate.

What then but remorse can follow a forcible attempt? Do not even chaste lovers choose to be alone in their courtship preparations, ashamed to have even a child to witness to their foolish actions, and more foolish expressions?

With warmer courtship press the yielding fair: Call to your aid, with boundless promises, Each rebel wish, each traitor inclination, That raises tumults in the female breast, The love of pow'r, of pleasure, and of show.

" The same method of courtship prevails among the Land Dyaks.

The courtship scene cited above indicates an instinctive knowledge of the strategic value of coyness and feigned displeasure.

Samoans: Idea of modesty; Obscene conversation; Various traits; Chastity; Courtship pantomime; Love-stories; Personal appearance.

Polly has asked her advice in relation to a courtship-affair of her own.

* Loveon Leave (PEARSON) is the sufficiently expressive title that Miss JESSIE POPE has chosen for a small book of little courtship tales.

As the offices of courtship devolve entirely upon the males, it is the more necessary that they should be possessed of conspicuous attractions; but as the task of sitting upon the nest devolves upon the female, she requires more of that protection which arises from the conformity of her plumage with the general hue of the objects that surround her nest.

12 Words to use with  courtship