7 Words to use with critters

Mrs. How then rose and got up, and said: "Feller citizens: We've got together, as usual, without any plan of operation, except to howl and make faces at the critter man, ontil he is ready to give up his liberties and endow us angelic beeins with the privilege of fillin' up with benzine on eleckshun day; to vote and rool the destinies of the land."

We jess heard o' them about a' hour ago, f'om a bran' new critter company name' Ferry's Scouts.

Dicey says thet half the time she's afeerd to step around her cook-stove less'n she'll step on some critter thet's crawled back to life where he's put it under the stove to hatch or thaw out, which she bein' bare-feeted, I don't wonder at.

"'I'll tell ye what,' cries Martin; 'we'll cut it up, and take the meat into camp an' cook it without sayin' a word.' "'Done,' says I, 'that's it;' for ye must know the poor critter wos

Half an hour later he came in, informing me that "he'd heerd a coyote bark four or five times rather suspiciously nigh camp, and had been out to reconnoitre, thinkin' p'raps it was an Injun signal; but, havin' seen more or less of the critters prowlin' about, he rekconed it was all right.

But let a fellow who isn't quite sure of himself begin sawing on a horse's mouth, and the first thing you know the critter bucks and throws him.

I was waked up by these critters squawkin' over my haouse; I fired up chimbly, and daown tumbled the whole gang; the fire burnt off the feathers and roasted um up braown afore I could get at um."

7 Words to use with  critters