25 Words to use with cum

ften clash with those of the one she was about to enter, and a compromise could be effected by the abandonment of marriage cum manu.

His service in India enabled him to write for the remainder of his life with an untrammelled pen, and to live in comfort and ease, enjoying the otium cum dignitate, to which he attached supreme importance,so different from Carlyle, who toiled in poverty at Chelsea to declare truth for truth's sake, grumbling, yet lofty in his meditations, the depth of which Macaulay was incapable of appreciating.

Sapientiae Labor annexus, gloriae invidia, divitiis curae, soboli solicitudo, voluptati morbi, quieti paupertas, ut quasi fruendoriun scelerum causa nasci hominem possis cum Platonistis agnoscere. 1758.

Penes R. Pichard; Liber Alquini; Liber Johannis de Tyrington cum Catone et aliis.

[304] "Iam cum confluxerunt plures continuae tralationes, alia plane fit oratio; itaque genus hoc Graeci appellant ἀλληγορίαν nomine recte genere melius ille qui ista omnia tralationes vocat."

Impressum Hispali cum summa diligentia per Jacobum Corumberger Alemanum, anno millesimo quingentessimo XI, mense vero Aprili, in fol.

The following passage in the Legend of St. Catherine must also have been present to his mind: "Et cum dolerent, quod sine baptismo decederent, virgo respondit:

Paulus, i, 4, 4. ad Helviam matrem de consol., xiv, 3. Other instances of women trustees will be found in Apuleius, Apologia 516; Paulus in Dig; iii, 5,23 (24): avia nepotis sui negotia gessit, etc.; ibid., Marcellus, 46, 3, 48: Titia cum propter dotem bona mariti possideret, omnia pro domina egit, reditus exegit, etc. Tacitus, Agricola, 43.

'Tis a hydra's head, contention; the more they strive, the more they may: and as Praxiteles did by his glass, when he saw a scurvy face in it, brake it in pieces: but for that one he saw many more as bad in a moment: for one injury done they provoke another cum foenore, and twenty enemies for one.

Mortales cum sint rerum omnium indigi, ideo deus aliis divitias, aliis paupertatem distribuit, ut qui opibus pollent, materiam subministrent; qui vero inopes, exercitatas artibus manus admoveant.

Otium cum indignitate.

Then two months later, from April 15 to 23, came the big hockey tournament for women for the Shantilal Cup, with me in charge of the north zone as the selector-cum-manager.

[Exit CARBO cum militibus.

Catus cum mure, duo galli simul in aede, Et glotes binae nunquam vivunt sine lite.

Should we read it thus, we should dread Martial's sarcasm of, Sed male cum recitas.

Qui cum Christo reguare non meruerit, cum diabolo absque dubitatione ulla perebit.'

In 1887, Atkinson and Whitaker, coming again into power, with Hall as adviser, administered a second dose of taxation-cum-retrenchment.

Muros cadere in se, aut submergi timent, cum torpore et segnitie, et fluvios amant tales, Alexand.

Exit cum sociis. p. 8, l. 4. lay it.

Socrates, though all the city of Athens supposed him to dote upon fair Alcibiades, yet when he had an opportunity, solus cum solo to lie in the chamber with, and was wooed by him besides, as the said Alcibiades publicly [5660]confessed, formam sprevit et superbe contempsit, he scornfully rejected him.

Yes, I agree with you, Aunt Dahlia, that things are not looking too oojah-cum-spiff at the moment, but be of good cheer.

(For more information please contact the late 'eighties and early 'nineties language-loving journo clique and primitive Margao based correspondents-cum-teachers)

What seems to have irked Salgaocar was Sunaparant's highlighting, on its front-page, the news of the nomination of Vasant Pilgaonkar (a family friend and close aide-cum-adviser of Ravi Naik) as the Goa Public Service Commission chief.

Tunc misit pro Christianis quos in carcere intrudi praeceperat: A quibus cum ad eum venissent indulgentiam petijt pro facto suo, dicens se esse amodo socium eorum, et confratrem: Praecepit autem et legem statuit, quòd pro tempore suo, si quis aliquem Christianum offenderet, statim moreretur, et sic omnes illaesos, et indemnes abire permisit: Pro illis autem quatuor fratribus interfectis quatuor mosquetas.

tantum porro multi praedictoribus hisce tribuunt ut ipse metus fidem faciat: nam si praedictum iis fuerit tali die eos morbo corripiendos, ii ubi dies advenerit, in morbum incidunt, et vi metus afflicti, cum aegritudine, aliquando etiam cum morte colluctantur. 1619.

25 Words to use with  cum