15 Words to use with darke

And darke night fast approched, to be pleased To turne aside unto my cabinet*, And staie with me, till he were better eased Of that strong stownd** which him so sore beset.

Thalia, neare the cave where she remaines The Fayries keepe: request them of their paines, And in my name bid them forthwith provide From that darke place to be the Ladies guide;

And his darke cabine boldly will I shake Vntill the drowsie lumpish God awake, And such a bounsing at his Caue Ile keepe That if pale death seaz'd on the eyes of sleepe Ile rowse him up; that when he shall me heare He make his locks stand vp on end with feare.

440 "Ne feard the burning waves of Phlegeton, Nor those same mournfull kingdomes, compassed With rustle horrour and fowle fashion; And deep digd vawtes*; and Tartar covered With bloodie night and darke confusion; 445 And iudgement seates, whose iudge is deadlie dred, A iudge that after death doth punish sore The faults which life hath trespassed before.

And simple men, which never came in place Of worlds affaires, but, in darke corners mewd, 835 Muttred of matters as their bookes them shewd, Ne other knowledge ever did attaine, But with their gownes their gravitie maintaine.

The gates of the citie are all couered with yron, the entrance into the house of the Christians is a very low and narrow doore, barred or plated with yron, and then come we into a very darke entry: the place is a monastery: there we lay, and dieted of free cost, we fared reasonable well, the bread and wine was excellent good, the chambers cleane, and all the meat well serued in, with cleane linnen.

She was too bright before, till being hid Under that envious cloud, it took the place Of a darke ground to show a lovelyer face.

A] darke power. l. 7.

Thou art above their Censure, whose darke Spirits Respects but shades of things, and seeming merits; That have no soule, nor reason to their will, But rime as ragged, as a Ganders Quill: Where Pride blowes up the Error, and transfers Their zeale in Tempests, that so wid'ly errs.

But I have found an art to cure this wound, For I with fancies pencill will so draw Your picture in the table of my hart, Your absence shall but like darke shadowes stand To sett you of and see you, Lady, better Then Love will lett me when I looke upon you.

The 11. of Iune we had a calme, and yet a darke sky, that came Southeastwarde.

I know them that thinke Rhetorique to stand wholie upon darke woordes; and he that can catche an ynke horne terme by the taile him thei coumpt to bee a fine Englisheman and a good Rhetorician.'

Be that care mine: Dangers (like Starres) in darke attempts best shine.

Thence gathering plumes of perfect speculation To impe* the wings of thy high flying mynd, 135 Mount up aloft through heavenly contemplation From this darke world, whose damps the soule do blynd,

But ah, when thou thy sorrow didst inspire [-Tragi-comedies.-] With Passions, blacke as is her darke attire, Virgins as Sufferers have wept to see [-Arcas.-] So white a Soule, so red a Crueltie;

15 Words to use with  darke