35 Words to use with deare

My sacrifice is louers blood, And from eyes salt teares a flood; All which I spend, all which I spend, For thee, Ascanio, my deare friend:

Thus, if my Sonne miscarry, my deare brother, You and your sonne shall then enjoy the land And all the goods which he should have possess'd. Fall.

Best ladye, well encounterd: howe runns chaunce With your deare sonne, my good lord Ganelon? Eld.

O mother, if euer you did my deare father loue, Forbeare the adulterous bed to night, And win your selfe by little as you may, In time it may be you wil lothe him quite: And mother, but assist mee in reuenge,

315 "Then will I sing; but who can better sing Than thine owne sister, peerles ladie bright, Which to thee sings with deep harts sorrowing, Sorrowing tempered with deare delight, That her to heare I feele my feeble spright 320 Robbed of sense, and ravished with ioy; O sad ioy, made of mourning and anoy!

A] the deare love within my heart.

But take good heede, deare child, While thou art weeping, thou dost not disclose That face of thine; for, were he mine by vow, Loves powerfull Retorick uttered [in?] thyne eyes Would winn from me.

And on his brest a bloodie crosse he bore, The deare remembrance of his dying Lord, For whose sweete sake that glorious badge he wore, And dead, as living ever, him ador'd: Upon his shield the like was also scor'd, For soveraine hope, which in his helpe he had,

He was your deare frend, was he not?

La. Helpe, helpe, deare husband, strangle him with one Of my Lute strings; doe, doe, doe.

O my deare Infant, O my Child, my Child, Unhappy comfort of my nine moneths paines;

Boy, for the loue that euer thou didst owe To thy deare master, poore Ascanio.

I am sure this Gentleman thinkes his Chamber the sweeter for your deare presence.

Model of vertue, honord Pembroks Earle, Rise in as deare regard as Ferdinand.

Arise, deare Nourses of divinest skill, You sacred Muses of Pernassus hill; Phoebus is conquerd by your deare respect And will no longer clemency neglect.

Whose hand, deare servant? De.

Good deare sir, keepe it

Helpe me, deare sister, to convey from hence The spectacle of inhumanitie.

It begins, 'Preserve us, Lord, by thy deare word, From Turk and Pope, defend us Lord, Which both would thrust out of his throne Our Lord Jesus Christ, thy deare son.' CROKER. 'Proinde quum dominus Matth.

Good mother, syster, deare spyrrytts, doe not haunte me: I will not from eternytie beleive That Richard is unfaythfull.

Or I will pave these plaines with the dead bodies Of our deare subjects.

Looke well upon't, deare syster; extasy May dimme myne eyes, it cannot purblind thyne.

It begins, 'Preserve us, Lord, by thy deare word, From Turk and Pope, defend us Lord, Which both would thrust out of his throne Our Lord Jesus Christ, thy deare son.' CROKER. 'Proinde quum dominus Matth.

What hart can feel least touch of so sore launch, Or thought can think the depth of so deare wound?

Neere vnto the olde Cairo are yet twelue storehouses of great antiquitie, but now very much decayed, and these till late dayes serued to keepe corne for behoofe of the kingdome, concerning which many are of opinion, that the founder hereof was Ioseph the sonne of Iacob, for consideration of the seuen deare yeares.

35 Words to use with  deare