12 Words to use with maker

But who are you, who pretend to judge of another man's happiness; that state which each man under the guidance of his Maker forms for himself, and not one man for another?

The dream-maker man.

I sometimes went with my cigar maker friends to public balls that were given at a large hall on one of the main streets.

Does a shoe-maker depreciate leather?

Let mariners learn astronomy; merchants, factors study arithmetic; surveyors get them geometry; spectacle-makers optics; land-leapers geography; town-clerks rhetoric, what should he do with a spade, that hath no ground to dig; or they with learning, that have no use of it?

In the old dayswhich means, in the automobile business, about ten years agoan order for ten turret-lathes was considered large; now the motor-makers order seventy-five at a time by telegraph, and do not regard it as more than part of the day's work.

"Till to-morrow, then; that is, if the dress-makers permit.

All this she practised here; that when she sprung Amidst the choirs, at the first sight she sung: Sung, and was sung herself in angels' lays; For, praising her, they did her Maker praise.

" "And," proclaimed Najib, "of this sweet portrait I read thus the law: 'So shall the wifes and the offsprungs of all strike-makers be put to death; and those wicked strike-makers themselfs along with them.'

Without him, there might be no such industry; for it was he that gave the early makers credit and materials which enabled them to get their machines together.

He was a fine worker in the field but was taken out of it to be taught the shoe-makers trade.

And our fine gold-maker exchangeth his palace for a prison; for the test of the crucible is all too easy for Fra Paolo, who speaketh naught that he knoweth not.

12 Words to use with  maker