12 Words to use with demonstrations

© 5Dec36; AA221338. Welch Scientific Co. (PWH); 1Jun64; R339248. Classified animal demonstration collection.

SUTTON, GRACE. Demonstration experiments in physics.

The demonstration laboratory of physics at the University of Chicago, by H. B. Lemon & Fitz-Hugh Marshall.

The everlasting gates; the demonstration psalm, spiritual key to Psalm XXIV.

NYSWANDER, DOROTHY B. Solving school health problems; the Astoria demonstration study.

The little army, commanded by a General, himself an employé of the Army of Entertainment Co., Ltd., would conduct operations for demonstration purposes.

Sandra Kendall of the 4-H; the career story of a young home demonstration agent.

Professors in the college would hold positions on the hospital staff, not only in order to give to them and to their students every facility for clinical demonstration work, but to enable them constantly to "keep their hands in."

Duncan and the Allen girl motored to Washington in a demonstration-car, and while Dunk was absent, the yard of the garage resembled the premises about a junkshop.

Now, among children of a larger growth, in festive times hostile demonstrations cease; animosities are buried; but in Boyville a North-ender is a North-ender, a South-ender is a South-ender, and a meeting of the two is a fight.

The Edinburgh Provincial Council for the Training of Teachers opened another Free Kindergarten as a demonstration school for Froebelian methods, a practising school for students, and also as an experimental school, where attempts might be made to solve problems as to the education of neglected children under school age.

When the news came that the Cedars must be vacated before noon on a given Saturday, she had had to begin all her demonstrations afresh, and in addition attempt to persuade Sarah that George was not utterly madbuying and selling boarding-house tenancies all over the South of England!and that the exit from the Cedars would not be the ruin of dignity and peace, and the commencement of fatal disasters.

12 Words to use with  demonstrations