33 Words to use with departments

Cannot department stores be artistically fashioned and built?

He stocks shelves, decks counters, and employs clerks, packers, salesmen, cash-boys, buyers, and department heads.

Savings banks and savings department management.

Fortunately we all are literally and scientifically inclined; the doom of purposeless fiction is sounded; and it is a great comfort to believe that, in the near future, only literary and scientific works suitable for man, woman, child, and suffragette, are to adorn the lingerie-laden counters in our great department shops.

The giants, Swift and Pope, had passed away, leaving each in his department examples never to be excelled; but the style of each had been so long imitated by inferior persons that the world was not unlikely to welcome some one who should strike into a newer path.

Some of the young department clerks would often "string him," as they called it, getting him started upon the subject dearest to himthe traditions and history of his beloved Southland.

The department council is not even allowed to express its views on political matters; it can only attend to purely local details of administration.

May 7War department orders raising of nine volunteer regiments of engineers to go to France.

By order of the department commander, civilians were refused all communication with him, as the Davis cabinet meant to make a stern example so soon as he was able to bear trial.

"Yes," Jack added, "he has a state department seal, bits of broken sealing wax, and now a piece of a broken match safe.

" The dark and ferocious character of Le Bon developes itself hourly: the whole department trembles before him; and those who have least merited persecution are, with reason, the most apprehensive.

Every year the heads of all the different departments frame estimates of the amounts of money needed to support their departments during the following year, which estimates they send to the Secretary of the Treasury, who, after considering and revising them, transmits them to Congress in his "Annual Letter."

We reproduce the war department map of the Philippine islands.

"For six months I hung around headquarters, busied on department matters.

Those were police department methods: wholesale arrests in the hope of somewhere in the net trapping the prey.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen department miracles had been accomplished, and we all sat down to dinner with an appetite such as one rarely feels at home, and for which many of our patients over in England would be willing to pay quite large sums.

we followed a corridor around two sides of the square, past dozens of closed doors bearing department names, to the Administrator's quarters at the far end.

In justice to Commodore Schley the navy department officers admit the Spanish officers after the battle said that it had been their purpose, on emerging from the harbor, to have the Vizcaya ram the Brooklyn, believing that the Spanish cruisers could outrun the remaining vessels in the American fleet, most of which were battleships, supposed to be of a lower rate of speed than the Spanish cruisers.

I have friends there; once possessed of your name and army rank, the department records at Washington furnished all further information.

Aside from the mere recapitulation of department reports, the message of President Buchanan delivered to Congress on the 4th of December occupied itself mainly with two subjectsslavery and disunion.

In this connection the following extracts from a letter of August 7, 1913, from the director of medical services in India to the department surgeon of the Philippines are of interest: "In reply to your letter of June 31st I attach a statement showing the number and location of the hill stations in India with the approximate capacity of each, and their height above sea-level.

The data which I use in establishing these contentions are for the most part taken directly from the Insurgent records, in referring to which I employ the war department abbreviation "P.I.R." followed by a number.

The three searchers into what was rapidly becoming a most complicated mystery drove back to New Scotland Yard in a silence which lasted until they were set down at the door of the department whereat they had interviewed the high official.

" "Sure," answered O'Connor, and within five minutes we were hurrying down town in one of the department automobiles.

My aunt presided over her father's household, and the admirable order and good taste which pervaded every department bore witness how well she understood combining the elements of a home.

33 Words to use with  departments