81 Words to use with des

I'se so happy I'se a singin' all de time over my work, an' in de street; it don't matter where I be.

"De w'ite folks don' want too good an opinion er de niggers,ef dey had a good opinion of 'em, dey wouldn' have no excuse f er 'busin' an' hangin' an' burnin' 'em.

The men learned something of their future enemy, Virginia mud, as they climbed the red gorge and debouched on Meridian Hill, where, presently, an aide-de-camp marked the ground assigned the regiment, and the real life of the soldier began.

" "Wot's de matter wid ole miss?" asked Isham, in a quick tone.

PERNOT, NICOLETTE. Exercices de prononciation francaise a l'usage des etudiants anglo-saxons.

I done see de sign!

Combin' it did n' do no good; he wuk at it ha'f de night wid er Jim Crow, en think he git it straighten' out, but in de mawnin' de grapes 'ud be dere des de same.

" "Wot's de reason fur dat?" inquired Isham.

Rhetoric of this sort, "des vers d'or sur une écume d'airain," and such sententious platitudes (speaking of the realists), "Les épidémies de cette nature passent, et le génie demeure.

Mr. Rumbin's de rooster.

Ole Aun' Nancy, de plantation nuss down at de qua'ters, useter take keer er little Mose in de daytime, en atter de niggers come in fum de cotton-fiel'

"]"Ah pour ca oui," (returned the other,) "mais j'crois que nous n'aurons ni l'une l'autre, voila ste maudite nation qui s'empare de tout."

Je comprends tout cela dans mes trois mots, "Réparations des dommages."

Les Responsabilites des dynasties bourgeoises: sous la 3e Republique de Mac-Mahon a Poincare.

M. A. Vernet (E); 1Aug61; R279554. CHAMSON, ANDRE. L'annee des vaincus.

Le puits des miracles.

re-lax-ed its hold; and the o-gress, with one des-pair-ing cry, whirl-ed o-ver and o-ver, and fell with such a plump in-to the sea, that the spray flew o-ver the high-est tow-er, and the fish-es swam a-way in ter-ror.

" "Eat de shells?

At the issue de table wafers or some other light pastry were introduced, which were eaten with the hypocras wine.

The door was opened by a pleasant-faced young woman of about thirty, who greeted Cockerelltartan is always popular with French ladieswith a beaming smile, but shook her head regretfully upon seeing the billet de logement in his hand.

Dey danced reels an' lak in de moonlight: [HW: Songs] 'Mamma's got de whoopin' cough, Daddy's got de measles, Dat's whar de money goes, Pop goes de weasel.'

I'm gwine ter lose 'im.' "Dey smoked on awhile, en bimeby ole mars say, 'Well, a bahgin 's a bahgin, but you en me is good fren's, en I doan wan' ter see you lose all de money you paid fer dat nigger; en ef w'at you say is so, en I ain't 'sputin' it, he ain't wuf much now.

Ma'y Ann Jinkinsa promnunt membeh of ouh class (that is, Asba'y class, meets on Gay Street), Sistah Ma'y Ann Jinkins, she ups an' sez, befo' de whole class, dat she'd puppose de motion, dat Bro' Thomas Wheatley wuz 'p'inted fus' speakah in de nex' 'Jug-breakin' an' Jaymiah's Hamma,' by de i-nanemous vote of de class.

You better take me in de notion, old man, I tell you,yes!" Charlie never winced; but how his answer delighted the Colonel!

On taking leave of Mr. de T[reytorre]ns' family I walked to the banks of the lake Neufchâtel, having a stout fellow with me to carry my sac-de nuit.

81 Words to use with  des