17 Words to use with devotion

The best of woman, beauty's crown, She spends upon his feet; Her eyes, her lips, her hair, flung down, In one devotion meet.

The room in which they were held in the evening, and where the voice of prayer was heard around the family altar, and where she herself retired for private devotion thrice each day, was the very place in which, when her slaves were to be whipped with the cowhide, they were taken to receive the infliction; and the wail of the sufferer would be heard, where, perhaps only a few hours previous, rose the voices of prayer and praise.

Quoique au sortir de sa prison d'Egypte tout lui fit une loi de retourner en France, il avoit tant de plaies à fermer et tant de larmes à tarir, une devotion mal éclairée l'avoit conduit en Palestine.

The inferior gods, I am aware, are jealous of the power which the practice of excessive devotion confers on mortals.

If affection and devotion count, I shall earn my place.

The Stooping Lady (1907) deals with the love of a lady of high degree for a humble youth whom her devotion ennobles.

Go to see them, treat them sanely, write to them, keep them informed about the home circle; let not your devotion flag, nor accept any repulse.

[In her pale countenance is blent The majesty of high intent With meekness by devotion lent, And when she bends in prayer Before the Virgin's awful shrine, The rapt enthusiast might deem The seraph of his brightest dream, Were meekly kneeling there.]

Leslie could not help thinking how elegant Mrs. Linceford was, as she swept in, in her rich black silk, and real lace shawl, and delicate, costly bonnet; and the perfectly gloved hand that upheld a bit of extravagance in Valenciennes lace and cambric made devotion seemwhat?

Can virtue arrest consumption, or self-devotion set free the agonized breath of asthma, or heroic energy defy paralysis?

"Good pilgrim," answered the lady, "your devotion shews by far too mannerly and too courtly: saints have hands, which pilgrims may touch, but kiss not."

Yet so to you my love, may never lessen, As you for church, house, bed, observe this lesson: Sit in the church as solemn as a saint, No deed, word, thought, your due devotion taint: Veil, if you will, your head, your soul reveal To him that only wounded souls can heal: Be in my house as busy as a bee.

while thy zeal the good inflame, And make a noble nature sigh for fame, We deem thee of a more than royal line, For self-devotion tendeth to divine!

Their impious march to God's high altar bend, With feet impure the sacred steps ascend; With wine unbless'd the holy chalice stain, Assume the mitre, and the cope profane; 35 To heaven their eyes in mock devotion throw, And to the cross with horrid mummery bow; Adjure by mimic rites the powers above, And plite alternate their Satanic love.

This debt of love but One may claim; no other Such self-devotion boasts, save thee, my Mother!

While crowds unlearn'd, with rude devotion warm, About the sacred viands buzz and swarm.

The former read, in the very composure of his mien, the unalterable character of his resolution; and the latter shuddering as the prospect of the cruel fate which awaited him crowded on her mind, felt a glow about her own youthful heart that almost tempted her to believe his self-devotion commendable.

17 Words to use with  devotion