22 Words to use with difficulty

John P. Dolch (C); 22Jan76; R624363. R624364. Graded reading difficulty work sheet.

The great difficulty hitherto has been that a Conservative government has meant a government of Upper Canadians, which is intolerable to the French, and a Radical government a government of French, which is no less hateful to the British.

At length "I'll no think ta difficulty fery crate, after all, my letty," replied John.

I therefore took no notes, and could at this late day only after much difficulty furnish dates.

It could not be denied that the government was placed in a situation of extreme difficulty difficulty created, in part, by the conduct of the Colonists themselves.

In order to obviate this difficulty directions were given in 1917 to design a special type of submarine for this form of warfare, and I believe that the first vessel was completed by the autumn of 1918.

Language Training (another I found that many children day).I shall try to induce the pronounced words so strangely children to speak to me about their that I could only with difficulty homes, in order to discover any recognise them.

A man deprived of the companion to whom he used to open his bosom, and with whom he shared the hours of leisure and merriment, feels the day at first hanging heavy on him; his difficulties oppress, and his doubts distract him; he sees time come and go without his wonted gratification, and all is sadness within, and solitude about him.

Finding among the party an old friend of mine, usually known by the name of Funny-eye, I obtained with some difficulty permission to sleep at his fire, and he gave me a roasted mullet for supper.

A heavy difficulty presses, as it appears to me, on Lacunza's system, as soon as we come to consider the general resurrection.

Being impatient to know my Fortune, having paid my respects in a Family-Jacobus, he told me (after his manner) among several other things, that in a Year and nine Months I should fall ill of a new Fever, be given over by my Physicians, but should with much difficulty recover: That the first time I took the Air afterwards, I should be address'd to by a young Gentleman of a plentiful Fortune, good Sense, and a generous Spirit.

And could with difficulty reply.

He had crossed his arms on his chest, which was swelling with the emotion he was with difficulty repressing, and his tall, elegant figure appeared to increase in height beneath his indignant and, in this case, just displeasure.

He will enter the borderland of insanity if pituitary difficulties supervenes.

"We've ben nun-neighbors, now, these f-fifteen years, Mrs. Kinloch, and never h-had any difficulty th-that I know on.

But his firmness was without asperity; for, knowing with how much difficulty truth was sometimes found, he did not wonder that many missed it.

But all difficulty vanishes as soon as 'the river is crossed.

Some cheerful and rather innocent people insist that because of the over-population difficulty wars must go on for ever.

This kind of standard has been viewed with favor by many monetary authorities, and despite the administrative difficulties ways may yet be found for putting it into practice.

The treasure, filling two large chests, and which eight men could with difficulty carry, was seized, and on the adjoining pavement the bones of the saint were burned.

Had these foul Orders admitted of no loophole through which my honour might with difficulty wriggle, I should have taken the only course possible to me.

In fact, during the months preceding the annual supply of water from the north, the lake is so shallow that it is with difficulty cattle can approach the water through the boggy, reedy banks.

22 Words to use with  difficulty