7 Words to use with dimensions

Dimension theory.

Three dimension models of the basic crystallographic forms; construction kit.

The critic was bewitched; he was thinking of Hamlet as a real man, with a background behind him three dimensions deepwhich does not exist in a looking-glass.

Pears after pears to full dimensions swell, Figs follow figs, grapes clustering grow again Where clusters grew, and (every apple stripped)

Sa dimension vague, ineffable, spectrale, Sortant de l'éternel, entrait dans l'absolu.

ait la dimension rêvée par l'auteurcette grande figure une et multiple, lugubre et rayonnante, faible et sacrée, L'Homme.'

My Lord, I feele a treble happines Mix in one soule, which proves how eminent Things endlesse are above things temporall, That are in bodies needefully confin'de: I cannot suffer their dimensions pierst, Where my immortall part admits expansure, Even to the comprehension of two more Commixt substantially with her meere selfe.

7 Words to use with  dimensions