68 Words to use with dis

Ford seemed wonderfully at home and at ease; and Dick found voice enough to say, half aloud, "Ain't I glad he's got de rudder, dis time?

I means I 's gwine to leab dis place.

Glorianny's been an' biled ebery one on 'em, an' dey're all nice an' cold by dis time.

Gioia di raccontare.

Un po' di vino.

Festa di canzoni.

"I had no grief or no dis-ease," she tells us later, "as long as the fifteen showings lasted in showing.

One day dar war a circus in Hopkinsville en er black wooman I'se war ergoing ter wait on war on de street to watch foh de parade en wid de bands er playing en de wild varmits en things dis woman give birth ter dat girl chile on de corner of Webber and

We're gwine ter hide in de swamps till dis thing is over!" "God, man!"

When I'd see 'im 'way off I'd run to de gate an' start singin' dis song to 'im: 'Here come de marster, root toot too! Here come Marster, comin' my way!

But Will and Tom, each blow-ing from A dif-fe-rent side, you well may guess, No boats could go straight on, and so They tacked a-bout in great dis-tress.

"Mars John," he asked dreamily, "you don' b'lieve dat I done dis thing?" "Certainly not, Sandy, else why should I be here?" "An' nothin' wouldn' make you b'lieve it, suh?" "No, Sandy,I could not believe it of you.

He a-rose, and pro-ceed-ed to-wards the di-rec-tion of the sounds, which grew loud-er and loud-er as he ad-van-ced; when, com-ing to the edge of a pre-ci-pice, he be-held a grand and aw-ful rush of foam-ing wa-ters, which threw them-selves head-long down the riv-en rocks with a deaf-en-ing roar and tu-mult.

2. Correct the division of the following words, so as to give no wrong notion of their derivation and meaning: "barb-er, burn-ish, brisk-et, cank-er, chart-er, cuck-oo, furn-ish, garn-ish, guil-ty, hank-er, lust-y, port-al, tarn-ish, test-ate, test-y, trait-or, treat-y, varn-ish, vest-al, di-urn-al, e-tern-al, in-fern-al, in-tern-al, ma-tern-al, noc-turn-al, pa-tern-al."Webster's Elementary Spelling-Book.

DIS, or DI, means Away, or Apart: as, dis-pel, to drive away; dis-sect, to cut apart; di-vert, to turn away.

You see, Mr. Davenpo't owned him an' when he heard 'bout da Yankees comin' dis way, he sont his white driver an' Howard in de carri'ge wid all his valuables to de swamp to hide, an' while dey was thar de white driver, he went off to sleep an' Howard was prowlin' 'roun' an' we all jes reckin he went on off

I did not mean to cheat you with a blank side; but my eye smarts, for which I am taking medicine, and abstain, this day at least, from any aliments but milk-porridge, the innocent taste of which I am anxious to renew after a half-century's dis-acquaintance.

And my speeches are intended to create 'dis-affection' such that the people might consider it a shame to assist or co-operate with a Government that had forfeited all title to confidence, respect or support.

Fame, Glory, Wealth, Honour, have in the Prospect pleasing Illusions; but they who come to possess any of them will find they are Ingredients towards Happiness, to be regarded only in the second Place; and that when they are valued in the first Degree, they are as dis-appointing as any of the Phantoms in the following Letter.

That concerning this doctrine I had no active dis-belief, on which I would take any practical step, as I felt myself too young to make any counterdeclaration: 2.

"Dis business is outer my line entirely, an' I don't want ter be mixed up in it at allsee?

It was jest boards like dis cabin of mine.

Our mental nerves seem to be so adjusted that we feel first and most keenly, the dis-comforts of any new form of life; but, after a bit, we get used to them, and cease to notice them; and then we have time to realise the enjoyable features, which at first we were too much worried to be conscious of.

When I come to dis country I dug wells an' built chimneys on' houses.

"Miss Bartley," said Percy, very civilly, "I never q-q-quarrel, I merely dis-distin-guished between right and wrong.

68 Words to use with  dis