4 Words to use with disobedience

This first fruit of disobedience clings to us with a tenacity that nothing else does.

I wish that they had refused to associate themselves even in a modified manner with the condemnation of the civil disobedience form of Satyagraha.

So rode they through bosky dell and dingle, until the sun, having climbed the meridian, sank slowly westwards; and Sir Fidelis spake soft-voiced: "Think you we are safe at last, my lord?" "Fidelis," saith Beltane, "Yest're'en did'st thou name me selfish, to-day, a babe, and, moreover, by thy disobedience hast made my schemes of no availthus am I wroth with thee.

And disobedience reacts in disease.

4 Words to use with  disobedience