14 Words to use with dispositions

His disposition alters; he alters not.

If in disposition, "ill dispositions beget habits, if they persevere," saith [180]Plutarch, habits either are, or turn to diseases.

All the officers of the different fleets, seated near them, had at their disposition cannon, ram, torpedo, great speed and aerial telegraphy.

The principal object being attained, that is, having now become master of the gleanings and scanty crops of his bereft subjects, on a sudden his disposition changes, he is moved to pity, and in the most pathetic language describes to the government the ravages done to the plantations by the hurricanes, and the utter impossibility of collecting in the tributes that year in kind.

Mais le maréchal change aussitôt la disposition du combat; quoique malade, il charge trois fois en personne et ramène la victoire sous nos drapeaux.

Quelque regularite que ces bancs puissent affecter dans leur disposition generale, ils ne sont cependant pas tous homogenes dans leur substance; il est sur-tout une variete de ces roches plus remarquable par sa structure.

Likas it is alsua aggreit and accordit be the said noble prince and duke that na signateurs tres nor writingis othir of giftis dispositions graces priviledges or others sic thingis concerning the affairs of the realme sall be subscrivit be him onlie and w'tout hir ma'ties aviss and subscription and giff ony sic thing happin the samyn to be of nane availl.

A MELANCHOLY MAN Is a strayer from the drove: one that Nature made a sociable, because she made him man, and a crazed disposition hath altered.

QUALITÉ, f., propriété; excellence en quelque chose; talent, disposition heureuse.

With him all was perfect: his morals were unexceptionable; his manners showed it; his tenderness of disposition manifest, for they had wept together over the distresses of more than one fictitious heroine; his temper, how amiable!

| dispositions pour loger 2,000 \ hommes pendant deux jours?

" I quote these articles only because they serve to show that there was a disposition prevalent among the editorial fraternity, to prejudice the people at large against the rights and liberties of the Indians.

La disposition generale de cette breche lui donne donc quelques rapports grossiers avec le granit globuleux de l'ile de Corse; et, par ses couches rubanees, concentriques, elle a quelque chose de l'aspect des Agathes-Onyx...Les bancs de gres divers dont je viens de parler, constituent, a bien dire, la masse entiere du pays qui nous occupe, etc.

Nous avons vu quelques-uns de ces individus entraver l'opération des sens par l'emploi de simples fumigations, puis se servir d'incantations afin de donner à l'âme la disposition requise; ensuite ils racontent ce qu'ils ont aperçu.

14 Words to use with  dispositions