205 Words to use with dollars

He's been pulling that ever since they fired me from the academy for lighting a cigarette with a twenty-dollar bill.

He was a little animal, certainly, not larger than a half-dollar piece, and it was marvellous how a thing so small could make such a loud and piercing noise.

And there's five hundred dollars reward.

Bill placed a second fifty dollar note on another card, when Boulder informed him that the limit was twenty-five dollars.

That's a two or three hundred dollar job, and may make your owner grumble a little, but it's no killing matter.

CHAPTER V A MAD PRANK OF THE GODS A week after the publication of that blithe bit of acrimony which opens this tale, Colonel J. Rodney Potts, recreated and natty in a new summer suit of alpaca, his hat freshly ironed, sued the town of Little Arcady for ten thousand dollar damages to his person and announced his candidacy at the ensuing election for the honorable office of Judge of Slocum County.

When I die, want you to dress me in straight leg shoes, Box back coat and a Stetson hat, Put a 20 dollar gold piece on my watch chain, So the boys'll know I died standing pat.

Ye see, he promised to sell ye to me for two thousand dollars cash.

Million dollar gate.

"That leaves the five hundred dollar mystery as deep as ever," she said, showing the letter to her chums.

"I'm writin' a fifty dollar story fer the Tribune.

And how foolish of me to return her hundred dollar check.

You'll sell those same lots in less than a fortnight for fifty thousand dollars profit!" Monsieur Poopoo pricked up his ears at this, and was lost in astonishment.

Not until Miss Caroline had ceased from large and beauteous phrases about "the great good fortune that has befallen us in the strangest manner"not until she descended to actual, dumfounding figures with powerful little dollar-marks back of them, did her daughter seem to permit herself the sweet alarms of hope.

gasped Migwan, "and the windows are screened!" "Oo, look at the darling calf," gurgled Hinpoha, on her knees before one of the stalls, caressing a ten-thousand-dollar baby.

Carlyle somewhere speaks slightingly of the fact that the Americans double their numbers every twenty years, as if to have forty million dollar-hunters in the world were any better than to have twenty million dollar-hunters!

Skim, her small son, helped her as far as he was able, and between them they managed things so frugally that at the end of eight years the widow still had her five hundred dollars capital, and the little store had paid her living expenses.

" He took up a yellow package of valueless obligations upon the top of which an old-fashioned locomotive from whose bell-shaped funnel the smoke poured in picturesque black clouds, dragging behind it a chain of funny little passenger coaches, drove furiously along beside a rushing river through fields rich with corn and wheat amid a border of dollar signs.

"It's like I say, Mis' Dale," Luke Tweezy burred on from behind his handkerchief, "I ain't got any wish to add to yore troubles, and so I got my partner to agree for me to give you five hundred dollars cash money if you'll pack up and clear out quiet and peaceful.

Dollar chasers.

SEE Smertenko, Johan J. Kreuger's billion dollar bubble.

I expected to play to a slim audience on the opening night, but instead of that I had a fourteen hundred dollar house.

We want that five-hundred-dollar prize, Carlos, and by the looks of things if we don't do something those kids are likely to get it.

The five-dollar dog.

In that case, the thousand dollars and thirty dollars interest might be retained without anyone being the wiser.

205 Words to use with  dollars