52 Words to use with dots

Dot-dash-dot!" said the fan.

Fun-time dot pictures.

Vat dey do mit dot poy in dere, hey?" "Oh, I'll attend to him," declared Marco.

(1) Fruit-dots oblong, parallel with the midrib, somewhat sunken in the tissues of the frond.

As he caught it, it was like this: "J5nsefvat5f," followed by an arbitrary signal which is not in the Morse code: "Dash-dot-dash-dash!" Mr. Grimm carefully stored that jumble away in some recess of his brain, along with the unknown signal.

" "Yaw, dot vas so.

You see, a tribe of giant polka-dot beavers had just claimed a territory a few miles up the river.

Dot-star and cross ukulele folio.

Blood fills recluses' hearts where Love its dot doth place, Fine as the mole that glistens upon a charmer's face.

Polka dot counter.

Polka dot tots.

"So soon as Helmer comes dot fort py, Gansevoort he fire cannon; und so soon I hear cannon, I march!

I told him I thought dot freedom was de best anywhere.

"Da have got Sam and Stanley and dot friend of yours alretty!

And when, in the uncertain dusk, a wagon drew up at 478 and two sack-coated, cloth-capped men began carrying parcels up the stairs, is it any wonder that Berg, watching from the window of his delicatessen store, said to his clerk: "Dot furrier that rents der rooms by der third floor is putting some more things in storage over the summer, yet.

so impatient ven I hear you vanted to amputate dot girl's leg off.

He wiped his face with the polka-dot handkerchief, and the word which the Cabinet Minister had used came easily to his lips.

I live eight miles from town, und mit dot horse I haf to valk back two miles.

She vas in dot hospitals.

Fruit-dots irregular, numerous.

As for lifting you out of the saddle, Esmeralda, it is quite possible that music might execute that feat, promptly and neatly, once, and might leave you out, were it produced suddenly and unexpectedly by "dot leetle Sherman bad," and it is undoubtedly true that, were you a rider, music would exhilarate you, quicken your motions, stimulate your nerves, and assist you as it assists a soldier when marching.

"Dot limb is still vere it belongs, and vill be as good as ever ven de cast comes off.

They were pale and full of excitement, and Hans's first word was: "Vere is dot man you sent to mine place yesterday?" "Wilhelm?" stammered Farmer Weitbreck.

Fruit-dots minute, each on a recurved toothlet, usually one at the upper margin of each lobe.

You was dot Arkoos newsbaper dis evening schen?

52 Words to use with  dots