38 Words to use with drinks

BROWNE, ARCHIBALD A. The gun club drink book.

He could not overcome the drink habit, and probably did not try very hard to overcome it.

And there at home, the same long dearth: Women that lonely died, and aged men Waiting for sons that ne'er should turn again, Nor know their graves, nor pour drink-offerings, To still the unslakèd dust.

But, sweet chuck, I prythee bring three quarts of ale at least, one for thy drinking and two for mine, for my thirst is such that methinks I can drink ale as the sands of the River Dee drink salt water.

The demoralizing drink traffic, the scandalous injustice and cruelty of some of the agents of civilized governments, are not to be belittled or condoned.

Parker drawled, "if you feel inclined to send any more money to hell I might help you" pulling a wad of bills from his pocket and throwing the certificates on the soft-drink bar at which they were standing.

In the first place, to quote Ben Jonson: "The thirst that from the soul cloth rise Doth ask a drink divine.

When the Chinese drink tea, they infuse it slightly, and extract only the more volatile parts; but though this seems to require great quantities at a time, yet the author believes, perhaps, only because he has an inclination to believe it, that the English and Dutch use more than all the inhabitants of that extensive empire.

" Sam could 'ardly believe his ears, and he stood there 'oldin' his glass o' ginger-beer and watching Peter's teetotal uncle drink whiskey, and thought 'e must be dreaming.

About the church they circle And softly slink away To prowl about the priest's farm, Then of a sudden they Are round the drink shop turning, Fain some bad word be learning From peasants drinking noisily within.

Are we going to be content with denouncing the dance hall and the poolroom and the vile pictures and the loose conduct of the soft-drink places and Electric Park?

Drink hearty, Racey.

I had, however, scarcely set my foot upon Russian ground, when the impudent begging for drink-money began.

"You've got me, Jest order your drinks agin, And we'll paddle up to the Deacon's And scoop the ante in.

"Not five minutes ago I had a drink ofwater.

It has the power of redeeming the slaves of a degraded polytheism from their low groveling conception of God to conceptions which are higher; it has set an example of sobriety to the world and has shielded its followers from the drink plague which destroys the strength of nations.

I was put into such a passion of rage by this blatant ribaldry, which affected me like the laughter of a skeleton, that I rushed from the car, with the intention, I believe, of seeking stones to stone it: but no stones were there: and I had to stand impotently enduring that rape of my eyes, its victoriously-dogged iteration, its taunting leer, its Drink RoboralD, R, I, N, K R, O, B, O, R, A, L.

Drink rum as the Tommy drinks it.

When the evening prayer is over and the first meal has been taken, the coffee-shops are filled with smokers, the verandahs with men playing 'chausar' or drafts, while the air is filled with the cries of iced drink sellers and of beggars longing to break their fast also.

"That drink-selling of his is the thorn among my roses of content, and I don't see how to put it down just at present.

" "Drink spirit, and it's all very fine and reviving for a few minutes; but a man can't work on it.

We were all thirsty at that moment, but we wished to put the directions of the Maori to an immediate test, and we were satisfied to let our longing for a cool drink stay with us till we could prove whether the strangely luminous waterfall before us was the one about which the two natives chanted the strange song.

"It's the drink talkin', Bucky.

The drink-thirst was upon her at this moment.

It was "about first-drink time," as the captain of the Tsuen-Chau, bound for Shanghai and Japan ports, observed to his friend Cesare Domenico, a good British subject born at Malta.

38 Words to use with  drinks