28 Words to use with dulcet

When Sarah said, in these dulcet tones, therefore, that she was sorry for her old friend, the tears gathered to the doctor's kind, tired eyes.

The aerial Stranger soon made free, Nor miss'd Apollo's minstrelsy; For chirping Grasshoppers were heard, With dulcet notes of many a Bird That sought at noon the umbrageous glade And softly sung beneath the shade.

"She tempers dulcet creams.... ....

Cleaving the morning air with a soaring cry, Nor the nightingale's dulcet melody all the balmy night Not these alone Make the sweet sounds of summer; But the drone of beetle and bee, the murmurous hum of the fly And the chirp of the cricket hidden out of sight These help to make the summer.

Pleasure and blandishment were vain; Deaf to persuasion's dulcet strain, It never reach'd her mind again.

They to the dome, where smoke, with curling play, Announc'd the dinner to the regions round, Summon'd the singer blithe, and harper gay, And aided wine with dulcet-streaming sound.

the dulcet voice said, encouragingly.

Among them thriveth the Muse of dulcet breath, and Ares in the young men's terrible spears.

We cannot expect to get from them what we do not give ourselves, and it is idle to imagine that we can address them as we would a disobedient dog, and be answered in tones of dulcet harmony.

The sound is every thing, in such dulcet modulations 'specially.

In pursuit of his business he entered a certain farm-house, to find the baby already in possession of another officer, a heavy red creature with a monocle, who was rocking the infant's cradle seventy-five revolutions per minute and making dulcet noises on a moustache comb.

Peacham, in his Compleat Gentleman (1622), repeats the usual commonplaces to the effect that poetry is a dulcet philosophy, for the most part lifted from Puttenham.

So few of us are natural," Mr. Kennaston complained, with a dulcet sigh; "we are too sophisticated.

Then from that day, he used his soul As bitters to the over dulcet sins, As olives to the fatness of the feast She made those dear heart-breaking ecstasies Of minor chords amid the Phrygian flutes, She sauced his sins with splendid memories, Starry regrets and infinite hopes and fears; His holy youth and his first love Made pearly background to strange-coloured vice.

This might, indeed, seem a fatuitously dulcet song to sing just now, when a din of defection and recreancy is loud through all the land,now, when we have immediately in view, and on the largest scale, an open patronage of infamous wrong-doing, so brazen-fronted and blush-proof that only the spectacle itself makes its credibility;the prior possibility of it we should one and all hasten, for the honor of human nature, to deny.

The hubbub of the busy crowd ceased at that dulcet sound, In which one moment high and low peace and refreshment found.

Both have to do, in Hawes's own language, with choosing aromatic words, dulcet speech, sweetness, delight; they are redolent of incense; they gleam like carbuncles in the darkness; they are painted in hard gold.

And in another place, again addressing Lydgate, he exclaims: O mayster Lydgate, the most dulcet sprynge Of famous rethoryke, wyth balade ryall.

And may I murmur love in dulcet baritone? Tell me at least, this simple fact of it Can I beat Terriss hollow in one act of it?

The sensation was unpleasant, but I began to hope that no worse would befall me, and I knew that with a few dulcet words in private I could remove from Saccharissa's mind the asperity induced by my friend's caricature.

For now Unceasing are the charms of halcyon days, When the cool bath exhilarates the frame; When sylvan gales are laden with the scent Of fragrant Pátalas; when soothing sleep Creeps softly on beneath the deepening shade; And when, at last, the dulcet calm of eve Entrancing steals o'er every yielding sense.

While strains of sweet unearthly sound Awoke their dulcet chime around, She soared away on wings of light, Like sparkling meteor of the night; Still lessening, as she further drew Amid the ether of heavenly blue, Till lost within a blazing star That above the horizon shown As if from Paradise a car 'Twere sent to bear the cherub home.

I have also heard the dulcet chimings of many village church bells in various parts of the land, and I have listened with undelight to the unmusical tones of Big Ben of Westminster, but so far as mellow tone is concerned, I rarely hear any ordinary church bells that are more dulcet and harmonious than the bells of St. Martin's, Birmingham.

And in its gyre had not turned wholly round, Before another in a ring enclosed it, And motion joined to motion, song to song; Song that as greatly doth transcend our muses, Our Sirens, in those dulcet clarions, As primal splendor that which is reflected.

The dulcet draughts o'er Rustem's senses stole, And melting strains absorbed his softened soul.

28 Words to use with  dulcet